Geek Chic

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Book: Geek Chic by Lesli Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lesli Richardson
Tags: paranormal romance
shift end today?”
    “That’s none of your business.”
    “You’re right. It’s not.” He didn’t want to push too hard. When he sat back she looked at him, as if unconvinced her answer would shut him up so readily.
    He smiled.
    She immediately faced forward again.
    When she got off the bus at the Marion Transit Center and took what he supposed was a lunch break, he got off, too. He was waiting, watching, when she emerged from the driver lounge and walked back out to another bus, but for the same route, and switched places with that driver.
    Fortunately, his usual seat was also vacant. After swiping his bus pass, he settled in. He’d been prepared to run if she’d reported him, but he suspected from her reactions to him that reporting him wasn’t what she wanted to do.
    Maybe she didn’t even know what she wanted to do.
    Her instincts drew her to him, though. He felt it, heard the way her heart raced when she realized he was still focused only on her.
    Somehow, he would win her over. She had a far stronger will than he’d first suspected.
    Only befitting the mate of an Alpha wolf.
    A little after five o’clock that afternoon, they were back at the Citrus Park Walmart, and she was switching places with another driver. She ignored Beck as he followed her across the parking lot, until she turned on him.
    “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
    He stopped, studying her. “I think I’m following you.”
    He smiled. “You felt it, didn’t you? When we kissed. Don’t lie to me and tell me you didn’t.”
    “Felt what? That a crazy white guy assaulted me?”
    “That a man you are terrified of because of how badly you’re attracted to him kissed you.” He edged a little closer. “That you’ve had feelings ever since that one kiss that you can’t explain.”
    He was only feet away from her and opted to try it again. “That you heard me mentally call you mine .”
    Her eyes widened as a high-pitched squeak escaped her. She turned and bolted for one of the cars, an old Toyota Camry he knew he’d be replacing for her ASAP.
    After taking a picture of her license plate, he stepped out of the way as she backed out of the parking space. She still wore wide-eyed fear when she drove away, nearly rear-ending another car when he lifted his hand to her in a wave.
    He walked back to the benches. He’d have to wait for the next bus to take him to the Marion Transit Center downtown, where he’d parked his car.
    After sensing how scared she was, with desire and longing threaded through those emotions, he thought it best not to press her for more today. She could have, at any time, called over the radio for help, or called a deputy. Hell, she could have reported him when he waited for her at the transit center during her lunch break.
    But she hadn’t.
    That meant something inside her, despite her fear, wasn’t ready to turn away from him yet.
    There was always tomorrow. And he planned to be here bright and early tomorrow morning, waiting on her to start her shift. Now that he knew her name, had her license plate, knew her route, he could afford to force his desire back down to a controllable level.
    He wanted her to want him. He wouldn’t force her. He would seduce her and have her begging for it by the time he was done.
    He didn’t call Dewi or anyone else to come get him. For now, he wanted to sit and stare at his phone, at the picture he’d surreptitiously snapped of her while she drove.
    Wanted to sit and gaze at her all night long.
    * * * *
    Nami nearly plowed into a car while trying to drive out of the Walmart parking lot. That startled her, shaking her up enough to force herself to calm the heck down.
    Mystery Hunk or not, she wasn’t ruining her perfect driving record for anyone.
    Beck , she corrected herself before she realized what she was thinking.
    Wait, I can’t think about him like that.
    Why not? another pesky mental voice asked.
    Why didn’t I report this? Why

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