Steel And Flame (Book 1)

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Book: Steel And Flame (Book 1) by Damien Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Damien Lake
the past, so being discovered by a strong enemy seeking power to
aid their plans is perfectly possible.”
    “But to what end?  To destroy the kingdom, or conquer
    “I do not know, and I grow weary.  But Colbey, I see
hard times ahead for all the kingdom, not just the Rovasii.  The force that
invaded us might be nothing compared to their true strength; an expendable
exploratory force at best.  Please tell Thomas not to cling to our roots if it
means the extermination of the entire village.”
    Unhappy, Colbey nodded and said, “I will.  I think you
need to rest now.  The Healer has been waiting to tend to you.”
    The old man closed his eyes.  Colbey left to find
Thomas while Ceryl, who had given Colbey the time he needed to speak with the
elder, returned with fresh bandages and food.  It turned out she had been
perceptive.  Elder Orlan soon fell into his coma again for the last time. 
Probably he went so quickly because deep down he wanted to.  It was a refuge
from reality.
    By next morning, the survivors of the unspeakable
tragedy numbered forty-six.
    *        *        *        *        *
    The men and women recovered slowly.  They regained
their strength a piece at a time, each working as best they could.  This left Colbey
to his thoughts longer than he would have liked.  After interring the dead
within the forest soil beyond the pool’s edge, Thomas called a meeting to
discuss the future.  With the elder’s words at the forefront of the
discussions, they finally agreed to move into a different area.
    A lesser sealed area existed close by the ruins. 
Thomas elected to use it.  They would be able to maintain a watch of sorts for
the horde’s return.  After settling down they might be able to resume patrol
duties against the outland trappers and hunters.  Colbey wondered what the
point of it was.
    While the Guardians had been weaker in strength than
usual, they had still been utterly defeated.  What point now in keeping out the
occasional wandering hunter searching for treasures, one who was too stupid to
sense the seals around the forest, when at any time a larger force could come
and brush them aside like ants?
    Also, he refused to believe nothing could be done
against these unknown foes.  If Orlan had it right, then something evil brewed
somewhere.  Whether it simmered across the nearest border or in lands further
away, it had clearly cast its eye on the Rovasii, if not all of Galemar.  It
would return, and Colbey meant to have his own back.
    When Thomas ended the meeting with stated intent of
rebuilding their lives as much as possible, Colbey made his decision.  The next
day while they collected material to build litters for transporting those still
too wounded to move on their own, he approached Thomas.
    “I must go.”
    The older Guardian nodded.  “You know, I had a feeling
I might be hearing that from you.  Let me say that we need all the hands we can
    “I know and I am sorry, but the wounded are becoming
stronger everyday and you can still scavenge most of the goods you need from
the ruins.”
    “Are you planning to come back?  I can see your mind
enough to understand what’s driving you, but the non-Guardians might hold it
against you.”
    “I don’t know yet.  I still need to make several
decisions.  I know I’ll lose face in their eyes for leaving now.”
    “I’ve thought about it myself.  So have the other
three.  If the villagers weren’t depending on us to protect them from the
creatures behind the seal, we’d head off looking for those bastards ourselves.”
    Colbey nodded.  “It is part of who we are as
Guardians.  I can’t sit still when I could be fighting back.”
    “I’m sorry to see you go, Colbey.  You were one of my
best students, though your head’s always been a tad larger than is good for
you.  I hope you’ve learned not to let your emotions and your feelings rule

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