The Angel (The Original Sinners)

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Book: The Angel (The Original Sinners) by Tiffany Reisz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Reisz
two other guys, the least she could do for
Søren was arrange for him to have access to two of the most beautiful,
well-trained and discreet submissives in the Underground. She knew he wouldn’t
have sex with them. Sadism was sex for him. So Søren going two months without
beating someone would be akin to her going two months without sex—horrifying
    “Now I’m afraid this nonsense will have to end. I’m hearing
confessions in—” Søren paused and glanced at the clock on the fireplace mantel
“—four hours.”
    Nora winced.
    “Shit, I knew there was something I was supposed to do before I
left. Will you have time for me before I leave tomorrow morning?” she asked.
She’d meant to go to confession during the past week but had completely
forgotten. Wasn’t her fault. She blamed her editor Zach—the other sadist in her
life—for sending her fifty pages to revise in two days.
    “I can hear it now if you like.”
    Sitting up, Nora buttoned Søren’s shirt over her breasts. Søren
rolled up and faced her. And although he too wore his black pants and nothing
else, the minute he met her eyes, she knew her lover had gone, and she now sat
in the presence of her priest alone.
    Nora took a deep breath and began.
    “God have mercy on me, a sinner.”
    “‘Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of
them is forgotten in God’s sight. But even the hairs on your head are all
counted. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.’”
    Nora smiled. Luke chapter twelve, verses six and seven—one of
her favorite passages.
    “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been…”
    “Eight days,” Søren supplied.
    “Eight days since my last confession. Let’s see…where to
    “Pace yourself, Eleanor. If you forget something, I will remind
    “Oh, thank you very much, Father. You are too kind. I have done
some serious lusting this week.”
    “Per usual.”
    “I lied in a phone interview. Not the first time for that,
either. They wanted to know summer plans and I said I’d probably be overseas
working on a new book. Let’s see…what else? Oh, I got a big fat royalty check
and I didn’t give a damn bit of it to charity.”
    “To whom much is given, much is required,” Søren reminded her.
God knew he certainly had room to talk.
    “I know,” Nora said and sighed. She did know. She just needed a
refresher of that every now and then. “Does the church need anything?”
    “Owen’s parents have suffered financially this year. Not
terribly but they may have to put him into public school.”
    “Public school? That little guy will get eaten alive in public
school. He loves St. Xavier.”
    “St. Xavier is not inexpensive.”
    “Will five cover it?”
    “Yes, and then some.”
    Nora nodded. Not that long ago she could make 5K in a few hours
topping someone. Surely Owen deserved as much kindness as her clients received
of her cruelty.
    “I’ll leave a check on the kitchen table tomorrow morning.
Don’t tell them it’s from me.”
    “Of course not. Anything else?”
    “Well, I did do blood-play with a priest this evening, after
which came much fucking.”
    “Those were good works.”
    “I’ll say.”
    “Eleanor, what else?”
    She heard in Søren’s voice an expectation. He knew she had more
to confess.
    “I lied about something else,” she finally whispered.
    “You never have to be afraid to tell me anything,” Søren said,
in that priestly tone that coaxed confessions like scared shadows from the
darkest corners of hearts.
    “You asked me today why I don’t answer the phone when Wes
calls. I said it was because you hadn’t given me permission. That wasn’t the
    Nora stared at the floor, unwilling and unable to meet Søren’s
    “What is the truth?”
    Swallowing, Nora forced herself to meet his eyes.
    “I think,” she began and took a hard breath, “it wouldn’t be
good for us if I did.”
    Søren seemed to study her

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