The Queen: The Epic Ambition of Hillary and the Coming of a Second "Clinton Era"
amendment process will be an increase in constitutionalism across the globe and a rise in international stability as countries see how change ought to be accomplished.”

    Recall that in Chapter 1, I laid out your core, five-part platform. Now we must focus on part three of that platform which involves national security as expressed through the national defense:
“A constitutional amendment mandating that 5% of GDP be spent on the Pentagon’s budget, with safeguards that the money actually be spent on soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines and the equipment they need, not ‘green energy’ production for military bases. Rebuild the military and detach it from the GOP, and do so before a coup becomes a reality in the next forty years.”
    “Another constitutional amendment,” some of your advisors will groan. But this is the GOP-splitting, election-guaranteeing bold stroke that can detach a significant part of the GOP from a party flirting with isolationism and alarming its previously most reliable voting bloc, the national security conservatives.
    In case you doubt my bona fides in talking about this group of conservative voters, please know that I began my career as a ghostwriter for Richard Nixon during his exile in San Clemente, the Elba of America, as he worked on The Real War, which was a realpolitik manifesto published for the 1980 election, one which then-candidate Reagan found useful to be photographed carrying.
    Eighteen years after scribbling away for RN, I penned an article for the then-young Weekly Standard , entitled “Our Six Party System,” whichI reproduce in part here 17 years later because it provided an accurate map to the parties in 1998. And while the names of key players have changed, the map of the parties is still the same… but you can permanently rearrange it:
“ EACH OF OUR MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES is really three smaller parties stacked in a pyramid. The chart below is a handy reference guide. The critical challenge for each party’s elite is to attend to its base. These days, the base of the Republican pyramid is cracked.
This base is what I call the Party of Faith, the legions of Americans who believe in “the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The fact that they practice religion is what defines them. Overwhelmingly Christian, they go to church, read Scripture, and organize their social lives around interactions with other believers. Faith in God and the attempt to obey His will is at the center of their lives.
The Party of Faith has its own subculture. Its most prominent political leaders are Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family and Gary Bauer of the Family Research Council, but there are numerous others, too, including Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson, and,
increasingly, the dozen or so pastors of the new mega-churches, like Southern California’s Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie, and Rick Warren. When and if these leaders serve notice on the GOP’s elite that the Republican party no longer represents them, the threat will be real. If the base’s support for the GOP collapses, the Republicans’ ability to contend with the Democratic party will be gone overnight.
But there’s another reason the Democrats would easily prevail if the GOP were separated from its base: In the middle tier of the party pyramids, the Democrats again have the advantage.
The Party of Wealth has traditionally made its home in the GOP. From mutual-fund managers and some big-business types to small entrepreneurs and anti-tax activists, these folks believe in the bottom line. “If GDP increases, all is well,” is their credo. They write checks to campaign coffers, and they vacation out of state. Net worth is the key to their hearts and minds.
There have been substantial defections from this group to the Democrats in recent years, especially from the higher income brackets, where laissez-faire lifestyle politics holds sway. Unfamiliar with the redistributionist zealotry of the old Left (or so rich

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