Death Angel

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Book: Death Angel by David Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Jacobs
something on him. That G-man’s got files on everybody.”
    “Including you?”
    “And you, Lewis!” McCoy fired back. “Mark my words, Bauer. You’ve only been here a short time but Sabito’s probably already opened a file on you, too.”
    “I’m sure he has—I opened one on him. I don’t pretend to be an expert on him but I can tell you this: He’s not dumb. He knows how to get things done. We can use the Bureau’s resources and depth of backfield. We’re waiting on an ID of the killer maid at the motel, an analysis of the toxin on the needle, and the forensics report from the Rhee murder scene.
    “The woman’s photos are up on the CTU net and available for downloading. If you ID her let me know. For now I’d like to go to the lab and talk to Nordquist, Carlson, and a few of the others.”
    “Good luck,” McCoy said.
    “Is there a problem?” Jack asked.
    “Those scientists are all prima donnas. Carlson talks only to Nordquist and Nordquist talks only to God, except maybe when he condescends to take a call from Livermore or the top brass at Kirtland.”
    “I’d like to talk to them anyway.”
    “To see if Rhee had recent contact with any of them.”
    “I suppose it can be arranged,” McCoy said without enthusiasm.
    “I’d also like an update on Kling, as soon as you have something.”
    “Debra will keep you posted. Anything else, Bauer?”
    “If I need anything else I’ll let you know.”
    “Any other items on the agenda? No? Lewis?”
    The CIA man shook his head.
    “This meeting is adjourned,” McCoy said.
    When the vault door cycled open Jack was the first out of the room.

    3:00 P.M . MDT
Laser Research Facility,
Ironwood National Laboratory
    A long enclosed walkway connected the admin building with the Laser Research Facility. Jack Bauer and Orne Lewis followed it to the LRF.
    Located off the northwest corner of admin, the lab occupied a separate structure of its own. It was the matrix where the Perseus Project was being born. Perseus was the legendary hero of Greek myth who slew the snake-haired Medusa, the monster whose gaze turned living beings into stone.
    The lab had its own Medusa, one with a single ruby-red eye no less lethal than that of its fabulous counterpart. A laser cannon.
    “You don’t have to come along if you don’t want to,” Jack told Lewis.
    “No, no, Jack. You can’t get rid of me that easily. Now that you’re around, things are happening. You’re what they call a catalyst. An outside agent that speeds up the rate of chemical reactions.”
    Jack cut him a dubious side glance. “You’ve been hanging around the scientific crowd for too long, Lewis.”
    “I’ll stick to you for a while then.”
    “Careful—it could be hazardous to your health.”
    Lewis wasn’t buying. “You’re doing fine so far. Two dead today and you’re still vertical.”
    “I said your health, not mine.”
    “I’ll take my chances, Jack. Besides, this is probably the safest place to be right now. All the killing’s taking place out in the world, not on-site.”
    “Except Freda Romberg,” Jack pointed out.
    “I forgot about that one. I must have blanked it out of my mind.” The corners of Lewis’s eyes and mouth turned down.
    “That was a ghastly thing. The poor woman looked like she’d been hit by a wrecking ball. Which in a sense she had. That robotic arm weighs a ton if it’s an ounce.
    “No need for an ambulance to take her away. Just a sanitation crew. What was left of her after the apparatus crushed her could have been scooped up with a shovel,” Lewis said, his dark eyes glittering.
    “Sentimental, aren’t you.” Jack’s tone implied the opposite.
    Lewis shrugged, unconcerned. “You know how you get in this business.”
    They halted at the far end of the walkway. A set of gray metal double doors barred further access to the LRF. A triangular

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