The Missing

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Book: The Missing by Beverly Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Lewis
Tags: FIC042000
you mean just any type of illness or . . . ?”
    “I mean . . . have you heard of this kind of thing?”
    The young woman seemed desperate for reassurance. But most of what Grace knew about home health remedies had come from Mammi Adah, who’d taught her as a young child all about the herbs in their garden.
    Without waiting for an answer, the Englischer continued. “I was told today that there’s a cure found in nature for nearly every disease known to man . . . or woman.” She sighed and glanced quickly at the ceiling. “The medical community views these guidelines as radical, even ridiculous. And yet, in spite of that, there are some very lucky people who are cured of . . .well, serious diseases.”
    Sounds like she wants a magic pill to take to make her well. Grace didn’t dare ask if she was referring to herself. “Feel free to jot down any of the information in the book,” Grace told her.
    The girl reached for a box of green tea with mango, peach, and pineapple. “ ‘Individually wrapped for freshness,’ ” she read, turning the box over to look at the back. And just that quick, tears welled up. “I’m so sorry. . . .”
    Grace suddenly realized this was the young woman she’d seen out on the road, walking and crying, not many days ago.“There is someone you could talk to ’bout this,” she said, wishing she had a tissue to offer. “Our preacher’s wife cured herself of cancer. I know you’d like her quite a lot. Her name’s Sally Smucker.”
    “Really?” The girl raised her eyebrows. “Well, I’d hate to intrude on her.”
    “Believe me, Sally would never feel that way.”
    “She wouldn’t mind fielding a gazillion questions from . . .an outsider, I guess you’d call me?” She stopped a moment. “A fancy Englisher, right?”
    Grace laughed softly. “Ach, sorry . . . earlier I didn’t mean—”
    “No . . . perfectly understandable.”
    “But Sally would truly enjoy sharing her journey with you,”she added. “She’s helped lots of folks. Back some years ago, she tried to get my aunt Naomi to make a drastic change in her eating habits . . . to no avail.”
    “Like what?”
    “Oh, it was a peculiar diet, I daresay.”
    “It couldn’t be much more peculiar than what I learned today.”
    “This was mostly fresh and raw fruits and vegetables each day. Very little cooked food—and no meat or dairy at all.”
    “That is extreme. And radical diets are hard to stay committed to, or so I’m told.” She looked sad again, working her mouth. “I really don’t know . . .”
    “I’d be happy to take you to meet Sally. Honestly.”
    “And you say she’s presently in remission?” The girl’s pale blue eyes shown with the slightest measure of hope.
    Just then Grace knew for certain that all the questions were about her. She must be terminally ill. . . . Hardly anyone Grace had ever known made drastic changes in their eating habits unless they were dying. “Jah, Sally’s blood tests keep comin’ back just fine every three months or so.”
    A slow smile spread across the girl’s face. “Thanks, uh, miss. I didn’t mean to keep you from your work.” She reached out her slender hand. “I’m Heather Nelson, by the way, and I really appreciate your time.”
    “Grace Byler . . . ever so happy to help.”
    Heather remarked on the warm weather as they walked to the cash register together. Then she mentioned that she was staying in a private tourist home. “And with the kindest hostess—Marian Riehl, on Beechdale Road.” Removing her wallet from her purse, Heather looked up with a smile. “She’s Amish, too.”
    At this, Grace was truly delighted. “Well, for goodness’ sake . . . I wondered if perhaps I hadn’t seen you before. Marian’s our neighbor! And her daughter Becky is my dearest friend.”To think this was the young woman from Virginia both Becky and Mammi Adah had spoken of. Jah, the very one!
    When Heather had paid her bill and was heading for the door, she asked

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