Unfaithful Wives' Guide
recommitment to each other. If he is the love of your life,
it’ll be worth the effort.

So what caused it?
    This section will help you address what pushed you over
the edge. Remember, this is not to excuse your behavior,
but more so to improve your awareness of your feelings
and how you react to your feelings. In the future, you’ll
be better equipped to handle your emotional states and
not let them cause you to cheat. A common reason for
cheating is loneliness within the relationship. Perhaps he
stopped making you feel special. This is typical in
relationships, whether there is infidelity or not. Maybe
your self esteem leaves a lot to be desired.
The important thing is you find out for yourself what
exactly pushed to this extreme.

The Apology
    When you apologize, be sure to mention how he must of
felt to find out about the affair. Don't say something as
simple as "I know I hurt you and I'm very sorry."
    Your apology will carry more weight if you say something
like, "You've always trusted me, even when we had our
spats and disagreements. You've always been dedicated
to our family. To find out that while you were working to
take care of us, I was with someone else, must of felt like
having your heart ripped from your chest." This will show
him you have been thinking about what you did, and
you're at least trying to understand his feelings.
    You should do some prep work before apologizing. Put
yourself in his shoes. Go to a quite room, close your eyes
and relive the moment he found out about your betrayal.
Visualize the look on his face. Internalize the hurt and
pain he must of felt. It won't be pleasant, but you need
to have these emotions in your consciousness to
effectively open the lines of communication. You might
need to try this a few times to really obtain a better
understand of how he feels. This will help you both in the
long run.
    Make a verbal announcement to him declaring your
commitment to save your marriage and to never be
unfaithful again. Something to the tune of, "I'll promise
I'll never betray you again no matter how bad things get
and I'm 1000% certain I want and need you in my life."
Now this will not necessarily cause him to suddenly
forgive you completely, hold you in his arms, kiss you,
turn all “lovey dovey” and plan a romantic getaway for
the two of you. We men have pride and nothing and no
one can hurt our pride the way our wives can.

Key points to remember
    It’s your fault if you cheated. If things were terrible and
you couldn’t get him to see that, you should have
separated instead of cheated.
    The male ego is sensitive and we communicate terribly.
We are slow to explore feelings and emotions, even our
    A heated break up with your lover will be a good start on
the road to relationship recovery with your husband.
Transparency is necessary to rebuild the relationship.
Keep your husband informed if your ex lover attempts to
communicate with you. No more communication with
your ex lover.
Good luck in love,

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