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Book: Vital by Jamie Magee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Magee
Tags: Speculative Fiction
danger - and whoever may be in danger, she’ll be able to save.”
    A fear spread through me as the thought of losing anyone came to me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it, that I’d fall apart. I was sure that my breath would leave me the moment Landen took his last. I agreed with Landen: this was no magic loophole. Our emotions would control us through our adversities.
    “What else does it say?” Landen demanded, still pacing, not finding comfort in August’s excitement.
    August was turning each page delicately as he read the words of the blind profit. “The beginning tells why he built the loophole, then it predicts the fall of the looking glass.”
    “What?” Landen barked, stopping in front of us.
    “It appears that the only way that this loophole would have worked in the first place was by the original being destroyed. This page,” August said, pointing to a place halfway through the book, “basically says that the rings will spin in place at a blind distance and that the rubble will rise. That in the new life of the glass, you will not need to stand within it for it to show its power, that the power will find Aliyanna when it’s needed. It also says that the power will teach her how to use it, meaning it will give her small moments to change. This exercise will help her prepare for what is to come - a moment that could change everything.”
    I drew in a shaky breath and said, “I think we should build it. I mean, how many times have we thought, ‘If only I’d said or done something, everything would be alright’?”
    Landen looked at me, questioning my words, then said, “We’ve always survived the choices we’ve made.”
    I tried to smile. I wanted this chance, no matter how close or far away it may be, and I let my intent and emotion show that to him.
    He tried to mask the disdain for this as he looked at August. “Do you have any reason to believe that this will hurt her?”
    August shook his head no. “According to this, even if we build it, Willow will still have to choose to pass through it. Meaning that if we find a reason not to trust this loop, we don’t have to use it. I would think it’s purpose rests somewhere in Mars or beyond, not what we’re facing now; this is a precursor to what will come. Any opportunity, loophole, advantage you found – you must take it.”
    Landen took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. This is what you want? he thought.
    I felt the wall he had around him begin to fall, and I stood and went to him, then wrapped my arms around his waist. It seems someone somewhere in time thought I’d need a way out...we should take it.
    He kissed my forehead and pulled me to him. “Alright, what do we have to do?” he asked.
    “Give me a minute here,” August said. As he turned the pages of the book, Landen and I sat back down on the couch. I smiled at Stella; I could feel how excited she was about helping us.
    “Did Marc say when he’d be back? I think all of this may have delayed him,” I said, feeling sorry for her.
    “He didn’t say. It doesn’t matter, though, because the longer he’s gone, the sweeter the reunion is,” she said, blushing.
    “That’s hard for me to process. I can’t stand the idea of being separated,” I stressed, gripping Landen’s hand.
    I remember how sickening I thought couples like us were when I was in school. I wasn’t like this because I was infatuated; I was like this because I had this fear that when we part, we’re saying goodbye forever. It could be the pain I’ve felt in the past, or the fear of the devil; either way, I was always anxious without Landen near.
    “Everyone’s different; we have to be. Marc was born to be a traveler and a protector. He knows I’m always here. I know it makes him feel safe knowing that,” Stella assured.
    I smiled, feeling envy for their love.
    Landen was watching August carefully as he read the words of the blind. I felt his curiosity rise. “What wish was granted to Tyless

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