Lovestruck, a Dragon Story
Michael gripped Anna, his throat thick with tears. “She’s dying. How wonderful that you endorse our union when my mate, my love, will not live. Because of your hatred, Falmouth!” He turned his head and pointed a shaking finger at the king, who looked shame-faced.
    “And your hatred, Jasper! And that of your people, both of you. When will you learn that we are brothers in the sky? Not enemies?”
    Tears blurred his vision as he hugged Anna. “Maybe someday, but it will be too late for my Anna. My beautiful Anna. All she ever wanted was love, and acceptance after she shifted into dragon. Not violence and hatred.”
    Monroe looked stricken. “I am so sorry, Michael. I never meant to hurt her…I would never harm Anna.”
    “Your foolhardy action and hatred may have cost Anna her life,” Xavier warned. “Dragons are special and possess great potential for good. You must learn to work together, not fight each other.”
    Tristan approached him, and Michael held Anna tight. “Don’t touch her. Leave her alone. Let me have a few more minutes with her before you take her.”
    The Silver Wizard’s gaze was filled with compassion. “I am not taking her to Tir Na-nog, Michael. Do not be afraid. I am going to heal her.”
    He blinked hard, daring to hope.
    Tristan gave a wry smile. “I am on vacation. My honeymoon. I have a bride to return to and a cradle to fill. I have no time to escort dragons to Tir Na-nog. Especially dragons who are destined for great things.”
    Tristan’s hand pulsed with silver light once more. “Lay her on the ground and step back. I don’t want you to get hurt, and with this expenditure of power, you will.”
    After Michael eased Anna to the ground, the Silver Wizard placed his glowing hand upon her bloodied, burnt stomach. A silver glow encased her body. Tristan frowned and the glow increased.
    “She is more damaged than I realized, a whisper away from death. Dragonfire inflicts more damage than other wounds. I shall have to expend more power,” he murmured.
    Please, please heal her. Let my Anna live.
    The pulsing glow continued for a few minutes and then finally the light faded. Michael stared at his mate’s bared stomach.
    Gone was the wound. In its place was soft, smooth skin. Tristan patted Anna’s stomach.
    “Tough as steel now. Her transformation will continue, but healing her expedited the change.” He helped her to sit up.
    Michael rushed forward, dropped to the ground and embraced her.
    “Michael? What happened? The last thing I remember, I was hurting so badly. And then the pain vanished.”
    He brushed a kiss against her forehead and then shrugged out of his shirt, helping her put it on to cover her nudity. “Tristan healed you, my love. Everything is going to be all right.”
    After helping her to stand, he slid an arm around her waist. “What now?” he asked Tristan.
    Tristan glanced at the clans. “There will be a formal truce, and the one who breaks it will be destroyed. No mercy. No questions. Utterly destroyed and banished to the Shadow Lands.”
    Looking terrified, several dragons stepped back. The Shadow Lands were merciless to dragons who had died. There was a rumor that Drust, a dragon who had betrayed Tristan, lived there and ate other dragons for breakfast. And then they reanimated, only to be consumed again the following dawn by Drust’s snapping jaws.
    “As for you and Anna…” Tristan nodded at the Crystal Wizard. “Xavier has acted upon my absence to find you a new home, if you wish to move.”
    “Skylar and Sebastian of Clan Rhagos have graciously extended an invitation to both of you to join their clan in North Carolina. It will be neutral territory. You can hold your mating ceremony there as early as tomorrow. They understand how it is with true mates, and how eager you are to formally be unified.” Xavier folded his arms and swept the clans a severe look.
    “They are welcome in our clan,” King Falmouth said.
    “And welcome in ours,” added

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