    “It does! I’ve always wanted to help people,” Eddie said passionately. “I love science. There’s so much good can come from it.”
    “Aside from during sex, that’s the most excited I’ve seen you, mate.” Fox grinned. Just as they reached the Senate House Library, a sleek black car cruised slowly past. “I’m sure I’ve seen that car before,” Fox said.
    Eddie glanced at the vehicle. “Looks like any other expensive black car that politicians and visiting dignitaries are chauffeured around in.”
    The windows were tinted, but it would be hard to see inside anyway aided only by the light of street lamps. It couldn’t be Mr. Maputwa, could it? Why would he be following them? The car picked up speed and turned right on Montague Street, disappearing from sight. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Some politician looking for an arse to rent.”
    Fox grabbed Eddie’s hand as they crossed the road and entered Russell Square. The park was nearly empty with just a few people sitting on the benches around the fountain, catching a little of the cool spray.
    Eddie squeezed his hand. “I wish you wouldn’t do it, Fox.”
    “What?” Fox led Eddie to a bench where they sat down. Light from the nearest lamppost shone on the water, making it appear to dance.
    “Prostitution. You’re a very bright young man. You could have a great future. You need to go back to school.”
    “Yeah, I’ll think about it.” He really didn’t want to get into it and tell any more lies. He hated lying, but with parents like his he had become good at it, always thinking of excuses why he couldn’t take anyone home. “Gimme a kiss.”
    “Not here!” The panic in Eddie’s voice was also conveyed in his widening eyes.
    “It’s the twenty-first fucking century, mate,” Fox said. “And it’s dark out.” He moved in close to Eddie’s side, but Eddie turned his face away, and all Fox could reach still sitting down was his cheek. He got up and rested one knee on the bench to lean over and grab Eddie by the head.
    “Stop it,” Eddie said, attempting to fight him off. He grabbed Fox by the waist, catching his ticklish spot. Letting out a scream of laughter, Fox grabbed Eddie by both his ears and planted a slobbering wet kiss on his mouth.
    “Oh, that was disgusting,” Eddie said through his laughter.
    Neither of them heard the group of young males coming up on them.
    “What we got ’ere?”
    A sharp shove in the shoulder made Fox lose his balance and fall onto the bench beside Eddie until they sat side by side looking up into the sneering faces of three skinheads. The cockney accent of the one who had spoken was far heavier that Fox’s.
    “Couple of arse bandits?”
    “Look, I think you should leave,” Eddie said firmly. “We are minding our own business, and I suggest you do the same.”
    Fox looked sideways at him. Shut the fuck up, Eddie , was the only thought in his head. When approached by disenfranchised youth, the best response was run if you can, and if not, keep your mouth shut until they get bored and leave you alone. If you get a black eye, the guyliner will cover it up.
    A tall, heavily built young man with a tattoo of a swastika on his forehead leaned into Eddie’s face. “What did you say, queer boy? I didn’t hear you right.”
    In the short time he had known Edward Atherton, Fox knew he would not pick up on the deadly sarcasm in the skinhead’s tone. “I said we are minding our own business, and I suggest you do the same.”
    Yeah, that’s what Eddie would say.
    The fist came so fast and so hard that though it struck Eddie in the cheek, Fox swore he felt it too. Eddie’s head shot back so far that even if his cheekbone was still intact, he would have severe whiplash. As the three yobbos stood back laughing, Eddie got slowly to his feet, wavering as he did so. “Eddie, sit down,” Fox whispered.
    “Is the anorak going to defend his Goth boyfriend?” The three laughed.
    “How dare

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