Natural Witchery
to put those elements back in balance. I felt so much better afterwards, lighter and clearer-headed. My family and other friends noticed a change in my attitude as well. But I worked damn hard on pulling myself and my personal energies back in line.
    You can’t just announce, “Oh, I have some unresolved anger. I have a fire block,” and poof! problem solved. Nope, it takes a few steps. First you’ve got to sit down and figure out what started the block. Second, admit the problem. Third, work through the emotions that go along with the issue. Finally, work magick to pull things back in line.
    Hey, we all go through tough times, and then our personal power and magick goes out of whack. The tough part is working through all those steps. It takes time and perseverance. Don’t beat yourself up emotionally about it either. Blocks and imbalances happen to all of us. So suck it up, figure out what the problem is, start to make the necessary personal changes, and then get to work. Challenging? You betcha. But I’ll wager that you are more than up to the task. The following is a ritual that I designed when I faced down my own elemental blocks.
    A Ritual to Pull those Elements
Back in Line
    Timing and Directions
    To banish those blocks and obstructions, work in harmony with the waning lunar cycle. Try a Monday to add extra lunar power or a Saturday to bring in the closing energies of the week and the protective powers of Saturn.
    Supplies and Directions
    Gather together a copy of the worksheet on page 62 and a simple natural representation of each of the four elements, such as a feather for air, a seashell for water, a crystal for earth, and a white tealight candle for fire. Finally, set the tealight in a holder, and arrange the other components around it. Light the candle, take a few moments to focus on the elemental blocks that are obstructing your personal power, and then repeat the opening verse:
    Come earth, fire, water, and wind,
    Not to break but only to mend.
    Pull the four elements in line equal and true,
    Bring harmony and balance to all that I do.
    Next, take the copy of your elemental worksheet, and read over what you have discovered about yourself. Take a few more moments to meditate and consider all the personal work you have already done to bring the elements back into a harmonious, working balance.
    When you feel ready, continue with these lines:
    By the elements earth, air, fire, and water,
    I will remove all blocks and reclaim my power.
    Now, remove all doubt, negativity, and fear.
    I ask that the path to my goals be gently cleared.
    Allow the candle to burn in a safe place until it goes out on its own. Ground and center, and then close the ritual with the following lines:
    By all the powers of land and sea,
    As I do will it, so mote it be.
    Now that you’ve started the process of pulling the elements into balance and removing any blocks, let’s discuss ways to raise and work with your personal power.
    While with an eye made quiet by the power
of harmony and the deep power of joy,
we see into the life of things.
    William Wordsworth

    Finding and Raising Power
the Natural Way
    Ooh, I said the magick word, didn’t I? Power . There’s the ultimate goal that captures people’s attention and makes us search and study like crazy to gain this elusive quality.
    As we’ve seen, magickal power comes from the elements and the constantly changing energies of the moon, sun, and stars. It grows from nature, and springs from deep inside of you. Everyone’s personal power is as distinctive as a fingerprint. We are not all like little witchy cookies cut out of the same mold. Honestly, power is a funny thing. You either carry it or you don’t. Here’s another big surprise: no one can give you power and you don’t “take it” from someone else either. Power is naturally in everything, and it is everywhere. This energy is literally a force of nature. The trick is to

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