Phantom Pleasures: Sexy Paranormal (Book 1, Phantom Series)

Free Phantom Pleasures: Sexy Paranormal (Book 1, Phantom Series) by Julie Leto Page A

Book: Phantom Pleasures: Sexy Paranormal (Book 1, Phantom Series) by Julie Leto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Leto
Tags: Romance
suppose I jumped the gun.”
    He clucked his tongue. “Clearly, you jumped something.”
    Surprisingly, his chuckle didn’t send her running. “Some
, you mean.”
    He arched a brow. “Not that I mind, but such haste defies logic. Had you waited, I could have done this.”
    Lifting her hands to his lips, he kissed her fingers one by one, then lolled his tongue along the inside of her palm, flicking down her wrist to stir her pulse points. He then guided her hands to her breasts and smeared the moisture over her nipples until the tight pucker of arousal no longer ached, but instead pearled with needy vibrations she knew only he could alleviate.
    “Your breasts are perfectly lovely. So sensitive. May I?”
    His polite request left her stunned, but she dropped her hands to her sides and managed a nod, her eyelids drifting closed as he applied his singular touch. He smoothed his roughened fingertips over her, weighing the fullness of her flesh in his palms, using his thumbs to draw tiny circles around her areolae, then flicking the tips of her nipples with his thumbnails until she cooed from the sensations.
    She found herself running her hands over his stomach, reveling in the resistance of his abs and in the soft pelt of hair arrowing down his chest. In a dizzy swirl of sensation, he pressed his hands against her shoulders, pulled her close, then flipped her beneath him.
    “Ah,” he said, his grin wide, “that’s more like it.”
    She blinked rapidly. “Women on top threaten you?”
    His chuckle spawned another wave of sensations within her, each more delicious than the one before. “Threaten? You have an odd view of men, my lady.”
    “You haven’t lived my life.”
    “No, but I have lived mine. Trust me when I tell you that nothing you do, nothing you say, will threaten me in any way.”
    She grinned and laced her hands behind his neck. “You said yourself that I’m a powerful woman.”
    “Yes, and this intrigues me. Challenges me. If the men in your life have run from you because of your strength, you are simply pursuing the wrong men.”
    She cradled her cheek against the pillow as she laughed. “You’ve said a mouthful,” she agreed.
    He eyed her breasts hungrily. “Ah, but a proper mouthful has nothing to do with words.”
    Damon proved his point by scooping his arm beneath her back, arching her body so he could wrap his lips around her erect nipples. Instantly she reacted, boldly scrambling her fingers into his hair and tugging him closer. Had he not been certain of her station in life, he might have thought her a courtesan, at the very least—or more likely a queen. From the moment she captured his cock, shoved it within her moist folds and milked instant pleasure from him, she’d snared him. Now it was his turn to enslave her. Only through their mutual delight would he find his way to freedom.
    He flicked his tongue across the tight tip of her breast. She writhed beneath him, impatient. Needful. His tentative control slipped from his grasp. He needed to orchestrate this seduction to his advantage, but more than that, he needed to feel her, taste her, lose himself inside her until the wasted years refilled with new, glorious memories.
    He’d been alone too long. Longer than his entrapment. Longer still than his married life, mistress or no. He dropped lower and bathed Alexa’s naked belly in hot kisses. She spread her legs so that her feet dropped over the sides of the chaise. Her need crystal clear, he thought he’d lose his mind.
    And he did. In the taste of her. In the feel of her. The heat of her desire and the fire of his own tossed all thoughts of freedom and captivity, magic and evil, from his brain. He wanted nothing more than to learn her, brand her, make her his in ways neither of them would ever forget.
    She was panting hard when he finally looked up from between her thighs. She grabbed him by the cheeks and pulled him close.
    “I can’t wait anymore. You’re driving me

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