Intrigued and Enchanted

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Book: Intrigued and Enchanted by Eva Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Simone
my body to clasp the back of my head, lifting my face to his; closing the gap between us, lowering his lips to mine, he kisses me with a soul-melting intensity. I part my lips to allow his tongue to tangle with mine, stroking, flicking, exploring. It’s the best kiss of my life. He leans his forehead against mine, calming his breathing down, allowing me to do the same.
    “God Lily, I’m going to miss you tonight. Sweet girl.” I run my hands up and down his back.
    “Me too.”
    “Can I see you tomorrow?”
    “I’d love to Brandon, but I can’t. I have finals at the end of the week, and I really need to study. I should have been studying this weekend so I have some catching up to do.” The sinking feeling in my stomach is back.
    “Okay. I’ll call you then.” He leans down and gives me a lingering kiss. “Goodbye Lily. I’ll see you soon.”
    With that he jumps into his car, and I watch as he runs his hands through his beautiful hair.
    I know he won’t leave until I’m inside, so I take one last chance to soak him in and head up to my apartment.

    When I open the door to the apartment Jess is on me in seconds.
    “Tell me everything this minute.”
    “Can I put my bag down first and grab a drink?”
    “Huh. Fine. Go and put your shit away and I’ll grab the glasses and the wine. But hurry up, I’ve been dying here waiting on you getting back.”
    I take a moment to gather my thoughts as put my overnight bag in my room. My cell buzzes in my pocket.
    Mr E: Thank you for a wonderful weekend sweet girl. X
    Me: I should be thanking you Brandon. Talk soon x
    I put my phone on my nightstand and head out for the Spanish inquisition.
    Jess and I have a lazy Sunday night, sharing a nice bottle of Cava; Jess grilling me for every detail of my weekend. She gives me no end of shit for not actually giving up my virginity to Mr Tall Dark Adonis. Yes. We still call him that behind closed doors! I tell her how perfect it was, and how I had told Brandon about being a virgin and how he was a true gentleman about it. I also tell her that he has Mad Skills in plenty of other ways! We have a good giggle about it, then Jess goes into graphic detail of her sexploits with Simon before we settle down to watch some trash TV before bed. She really does overshare.
    There are some things that you just can’t erase from your brain. I don’t think I will ever be able to look Brandon’s friend Simon in the face ever again. I ask her if she’s planning to see him again, but she pretends not to hear me and changes the subject. I know what that means…she likes this guy. God help him.
    When I head to my room to get changed for bed, my room doesn’t feel the same as it did on Friday. It feels lonely somehow; my bed looking too big for just me. I’ve spent 22 years sleeping in a bed by myself. One night in a bed with Brandon and being by myself just feels wrong. I miss him. I miss the warmth and serenity I felt in his arms as I fell asleep wrapped in his cocoon.
    I toss and turn, unable to get comfortable. I need to sleep. My finals are this week and I’ve worked too damn hard to get distracted by a guy now, no matter how gorgeous and sexy and smart and wonderful he is. Damn it! I can’t last ten seconds without thinking about him. It’s going to be a looooong week.
    When I finally fall asleep it’s fitful at best, the nightmares are back; this time it isn’t my dad that I watch dying in my arms. This time the victim is tall, dark, and beautiful, with stunning icy blue eyes. I wake up screaming as the sparkle fades from his glorious blue eyes and the life drains from his body…
    “Nooooooooo.” I come to with Jess shaking me.
    “Come on Lil, wake up…It’s just a dream honey…I’m here.” She scoops me into her arms as I sob uncontrollably.
    “Is it the same dream about your dad honey?” I feel like I’m choking.
    “No. Well, yes…but, it wasn’t my dad Jess….it was….it was Brandon.” I break down and lay

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