Snowy Encounters
married, then he didn’t know what to do. His mother had left when
she saw his father’s lack of motivation as the town sheriff, but
Cole had more to show off. Maddy had to realize he did this all for
her. Hell, I’ll buy her own business if
she is determined to work and be a career woman.
    The truck drew pulled up to the Glover’s
residence and he turned to Maddy. “I’ll come pick you up at
    Maddy frowned. “I don’t want to go to the
party. It’s going to be weird if they see me there with you. The
town thinks I ran out on you. Why do you want to bring me?”
    Cole sighed. Since he’d found her at Death’s
Peak, memories of their past rushed at him, reminding him of all
they’d been through and he wanted it all back. He wanted to seek
her out and tease her every time she was mad. He wanted to pick her
up and hold her every time something happened, when she was sad,
angry, and even happy. But if he rushed in and made love to her,
what guarantees did he have that she wouldn’t leave right after?
She told him she could live anywhere, but he needed to use the time
he had to show her what she would miss if she left Five Oaks again.
“Because I’m expected there, and I want to spend time with you. I
have to show up.”
    Maddy crossed her arms over chest. “I don’t
want to go.”
    “I promise we won’t stay long.”
    She eyed him warily. Fear that she’d refuse
whirled in his mind. He didn’t know how else to convince her. He
could seduce her now and be done with it, but it wasn’t what he
wanted. He needed to show her how much she meant to him.
    “All right, say I go with you, and then
what?” Her nose wrinkled in annoyance.
    Relieved, he smiled. His hand lifted and he
trailed a finger along her cheek. “Then I’ll take you some place
special and make love to you until you realize that you never want
to leave.”
    Her breath hitched. “Tell me it doesn’t
involve snow.”
    Laughter rumbled up his chest. He leaned in
and brushed his lips against her. “No, but I promise we won’t
freeze this time.”

Chapter Sixteen
    Maddy tucked a strand of hair behind her ear
as Cole lifted her from the cab of his truck and helped her to the
ground. He deliberately held her close as she slid down his front.
Smiling coyly, her hands settled on his shoulders. “We won’t stay
long, right?”
    Cole grinned. “Nope. I got plans for us
    Her heart skipped. Ever
since this afternoon, she’d been too giddy to stay still. After
he’d dropped her off, she’s used the time to prep for the night.
Hope and joy flared in her the moment she’d heard his parting
words. Then I’ll take you some place
special and make love to you until you realize that you never want
to leave.
    As much as she wanted them to be true, she
couldn’t let herself settle. She needed to know what he was going
to offer her this time around. His lodge, his business had to come
second to her. Now that she knew he’d wanted their baby as much as
she had, some of her faith had been restored. Maybe she’d
overreacted and gone the coward’s way to avoid their past problems.
But if her return meant a second chance for them to be together,
then she needed him to reaffirm his love and show her she was more
important than his life mission to rebuild the town.
    “What kind of plans?”
    Cole pressed a kiss to her forehead as his
arms loosely settled around her waist. “Some place warm and
private, where I’ll be able to strip this delectable dress off
    Her breath hitched, heat soared down her
spine to her core. “Why are we here again?”
    He chuckled. “Just a quick appearance.”
    “Well, then you better make it a very quick
    His lips brushed over hers. Maddy lifted on
her heels and deepened the kiss, drinking in his taste, his
masculinity. She couldn’t get enough nor could she stop. Her arms
circled his neck and she rubbed against him. Cole groaned. He
pulled her closer as her

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