Crash Test Love

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Book: Crash Test Love by Ted Michael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ted Michael
Superman” (Santogold, 2008).
    “What are you thinking about?” he asks me. His ngers hesitate slightly when they reach the material of my bra, then crawl like spiders across the black cot on.
    “You,” I say. He moves on top of me, resting his weight on his elbows, and kisses me, soft, lovely kisses on my lips and earlobes and neck. When I touch him I imagine that this is what it feels like to place your hand in a re. I am burning.

    I touch him I imagine that this is what it feels like to place your hand in a re. I am burning.
    Paolo Nutini is singing on my computer, and my iTunes is playing a light show; the colors bounce o Ben in muted reds and blues and greens and yel ows. I close my eyes to savor this moment, these few seconds of stil ness before the inevitable what comes next, only when I open them I no longer see Ben. I see Henry. His strong arms are around me. His beautiful eyes are staring right into mine.
    “What are you doing here?” I ask him.
    “What do you think?” He leans forward to kiss me—
    “Garret ! Are you in there?”
    My mother’s voice wakes me, and I realize I’m in my bed. Alone. I look at my clock—it’s not even eight p.m.
    “I didn’t know you were home,” she says after I open the bedroom door. She is holding a tiny bot le of scented lotion from Bath & Body Works and the latest Teen Vogue. “Want me to give you a hand massage and gossip about underage celebrities?”
    “Uh, maybe later.”
    She looks disappointed. “Okay, sweetie. I’l be downstairs, probably doing Downward Facing Dog.” She leaves, and I am livid with my subconscious for al owing Henry to invade my memory. How dare he. I don’t love Henry. I love Ben. Wel , I used to. Now … who knows. But I certainly don’t want to get naked with Henry Arlington anytime soon. That much I know for sure.
    I need to step up my game. Prove to the J Squad that I can seduce Henry without fal ing for him, and prove to myself that I can be the one in control, the one who doesn’t get hurt. I’l start by securing an invitation to his house for next weekend. It wil happen. I simply need to gure out how.
    “I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started.”
    —Get the Party Started
    “I hope I don’t end up in jail.”—Tonight’s the Night
    “Nine, eight, seven, six, ve, four, three, two, one, fun.”—Funhouse
    I have an idea. I go downstairs to my father’s study; he’s also stil in the middle of unpacking, but has stu ed his bookshelves with his favorite books (on lm studies) and DVDs. I may not particularly care about the Greatest Movies of Al Time, but Henry does, and that’s how I’m going to get him. And I am going to get him. Just wait and see.
    The next morning, at school, Henry stops at my locker.
    “Hey,” he says. He’s wearing a red polo shirt and a tight pair of khakis. He looks good.
    “Hey,” I say back, surprised that he’s paying at ention to me. I glance around for the J Squad, hoping they’re watching.
    “Just saying hel o and not ignoring you.” The way he says it makes me remember our conversation over the weekend at work.
    “Thanks,” I say. “Are you feeling bet er?”
    “Yesterday. You were out sick, right?”
    “You noticed?”
    I’m suddenly embarrassed. I want him to think I’m interested in him—that’s the whole point, of course—but not that I fol ow his every move. “It was oddly silent,” I say. “Not a single girl cried al day, so I gured you weren’t around.” He laughs, and I can tel that was the right answer.
    “Wel ,” he says, smiling, “see you later, Garret .”
    I watch him leave, walking slowly down the senior hal way.
    Henry said hel o to me, and I made him laugh.
    Game on.

    Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so

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