The Eden Project: Humanity's Last Chance

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Book: The Eden Project: Humanity's Last Chance by D. P. Fitzsimons Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. P. Fitzsimons
Tags: Science-Fiction, Horror, Young Adult
    Lotte took a seat opposite on the far end of the table and hoped Doctor Wescott would soon arrive to sit next to her, providing a buffer between herself and Doctor Quarna. That could be too much too soon. With time the awkwardness would lessen between them, but today was to be just a baby step toward rebuilding work relationships with all. She knew the one with Doctor Quarna would take the most time.
    “That’s everyone,” Doctor Naseer said.
    She did not know why at first, but a chilling certainty shot suddenly through her bloodstream. Doctor Quarna and Doctor Wescott were not coming. All details beyond the children’s health had been restricted. Doctor Quarna had limited her access completely, but why were they violating his decree now? She could not bear to answer that question or to even take her next breath. Her blood froze and made her tremble.
    “What’s happened?” It was hardly a whisper, but she recognized that it was her voice and that it was loud enough for the others to hear.
    Doctor Naseer considered her question glancing to the other two hoping someone else would answer. She could see in their faces her worst fears were about to be realized.
    “Doctor Wescott’s infection has become active,” Claudia answered in Doctor Naseer’s place. “He asked to talk to you.”
    Doctor Pappas and Doctor Naseer hung their heads, hiding something. Shame, she thought. She studied Claudia’s eyes who stared at her with a subdued sympathy. She knew what this meant. It was late.
    “When?” Lotte demanded.
    Doctor Naseer found the courage to address her. He touched Claudia’s shoulder letting her off the hook. “Today’s Jim’s last day.”
    Doctor Becker gasped and fell back to her chair struggling for oxygen. Claudia darted around the table to offer her a consoling arm. Doctor Becker covered her face and eventually began to breathe again into her own palm.
    “You’ve known for weeks and you waited until now?” Doctor Becker dropped her hand from her face to glare at Naseer with a razor sharp contempt. “Where’s Doctor Quarna?”
    They would not answer her.
    “I want to speak to him.” Doctor Becker shook her head angrily, disbelieving. “Tell that coward to show his face. He’s gone too far.”
    “I’m here, Doctor Becker.” His voice came from everywhere at once, coming at her from every speaker in the room. “We’ll patch Jim through to you now,” Doctor Quarna instructed. “He’s already past the threshold. There’s no guarantees what we’re about to see.”
    She did not care that he had heard her use of the word coward. In fact she wanted more. “I’ll never forgive you for this,” she assured him, then turned to include the others in the room. “Any of you.”
    The feed from a holding chamber appeared on a wall panel. Doctor Jim Wescott wearing slacks and a plain gray t-shirt stood with his back to the camera looking out a small window to the sea. All eyes watched with trepidation as he turned around.
    “We’re here with you, Jim.” Doctor Quarna’s voice seemed to cause no reaction from Doctor Wescott. Instead, he stared into the camera.
    Doctor Becker held her heart at the sight of his sunken eyes and gaunt face. A long skin lesion cut across his bleach-white forehead. She had a hard time looking into his haunting eyes that were drained of their color. They were pale blue, almost white, and his pupils had shrunken down to the size of pin holes.
    “Indeed, you are here, though sadly I am not.” Doctor Wescott grinned with defeated pride, oddly enamored by his choice of words. His voice was rough and hoarse. When he smiled, you could see that his gums were both bloody and scabbed.
    No one said anything as they waited, watching their friend who was sliding past the threshold of sanity in front of their eyes.
    “It’s as if I can hear your thoughts. My senses have become acute, almost mystical. You are thinking I am going insane. This is what we have always thought.”

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