reindeer, water buffalo, yak, and Arabian and Bactrian camels. Those mammals thereby yield several times more calories over their lifetime than if they were just slaughtered and consumed as meat.” 236
If you can’t obtain raw milk, there are many organic milk suppliers who operate humane dairies and pasture-graze their cows, although all organic milk is pasteurized and many are ultra pasteurized (sterilized of enzymes as well as bad and good bacteria). Keep in mind that just because milk is “organic” doesn’t mean their cows were treated humanely or fed species-appropriate food. Horizon is a very good example. Once a stellar example of an organic dairy, Horizon was bought out by Dean Foods, the largest supplier of milk in the country. Although the cartoon cows look happy on the carton, the truth is that the living cows are kept in feedlots and likely don’t see a blade of grass. Just as with the food-industry-speak that has brought us factory food under the guise of “natural,” the sametwisted semantics are now bringing us pseudo “organic” milk. If you are ever in doubt about a food supplier, the Internet is a great resource, as there are people out there who are more than happy to tell you if a food provider is misrepresenting healthy claims or hiding something—like not letting their cows lie down in grass or eat their natural diet of grass, weeds, and shrubs.
You can find out if your state allows the sale of raw milk on realmilk. com and locate dairies on . In states that have outlawed raw milk sales, it’s possible to purchase a share in a cow from which you are legally allowed to share in its milk production. However, just because someone has a backyard cow doesn’t mean that they are properly versed in handling raw milk. I asked Mark for some guidelines. “There are a few things to look for if a family is going to source their milk locally. I suggest looking at the standards found at . Raw milk can be very safe if given a modicum of Mother Nature’s care mixed with a little testing technology.” If you are interested in defending the right of farmers, like Mark, to exist and want to buy their products, you can join the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, .
In the game of thimblerig—also known as the shell game—a swindler uses sleight of hand to shuffle an object between three cups. The player must then guess the location of the object. But the game is always rigged to defraud. Since the year 1900, an unhealthy symbiotic relationship has developed between our medical establishment, our government, the food, diet and pharmaceutical industries, and us, their fat, sick customers. We have been encouraged to consume the profit-rich products made with laboratory-concocted ingredients—processed, refined white sugar, refined grains, high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, aspartame, industrially processed soy, and processed polyunsaturated fats—as well as factory- animal products. Like shell game players, Americans believe the promises of good health, beauty, and satisfaction issued about these substances. But since these products both lack the life-sustaining nutrients necessary to maintain healthy metabolic processes and are mostly foreign and toxic to human physiology, we end up sick and fat.
Dieting Always Fails
The Malnutrition of Low-Calorie Dieting
IN GREEK MYTHOLOGY SISYPHUS was a heartless king of Corinth condemned for eternity to roll a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down just before he reached the top. Sisyphus’ plight is analogous to dieting. Because every time you diet, you fail and must diet again. The main problem with diet books, programs, systems, products, and factory-made diet foods is that the focus is on losing weight through starvation (dieting). But no matter how hard you try to reach a weight-loss goal by starvation, you will end up failing. Although the weight-loss-by-starvation failure rate is