An Acute Attraction

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Book: An Acute Attraction by A.J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Walters
half expecting him to start stroking the bonnet like a well loved family pet.
                    Marc presses his hand to the small of my back as I slide onto the cream leather back seat. Once Marc has climbed in after me, he takes my hand and links our fingers together and his sensuous eyes take all of me in.
                   “You really do look beautiful. You did choose well, I shall have to keep you close to my side I reckon.”
                     I squeeze his hand in response. “I think I have a couple of Thank you’s to make. Firstly for the amazing lingerie, I have never even been into a shop for anything so luscious. How…or why did you buy them?”
                     Never taking his emerald green eyes off mine he answers, “I knew you wouldn’t think of buying it for yourself. You have never had a reason to in the past and your previous partner didn’t see past his own nose to realise how amazing you would feel, and look in them. I wanted this to be my gift to you for this evening.”
                     That last statement doesn’t go past me and I take every word of it in. Jeez, here I go with the bloomin’ lip biting. Marc chuckles a little. I swiftly change the subject…
                    “I also have to thank you for the lovely Tennyson poem. You certainly have a way with words, so thank you again.” I don’t let on that I used google to find out which poet had written it, so shh!
                   “No worries, I thought they were beautiful words that would reflect a beautiful woman.” He tenderly caresses his thumb across the back of my hand, sending a shockwave of affection through my body. This is madness!!

                    For the rest of the journey Marc is informs me on the history of Christ’s College, it truly is fascinating and I am engrossed in every word he is saying. He tells me all about how Charles Darwin had studied there as a young man and now the college are celebrating this incredible man’s life. We will see the fairly recently unveiled sculpture that has a permanent placement in the grounds, along with the Darwin Garden. I am getting quite excited about this evening now.
                  With the easy flow of conversation, the journey went quickly and I hadn’t noticed that we had arrived outside the main gates to the college. Marc helps me out of the car and I then take a moment to take in the wonderfully ornate gate and walls that we’re about to enter. However, it is not until we’re shown into The Hall that the grandeur of the place is really shown off to us.
                 “Wow!!” I gape, open mouthed at the most spectacular room I have ever been into. Think Harry Potter and you are almost there. There are four long tables positioned in the room; three of them parallel to one another, while there is a top table stretched in front of a large oak panelled wall. Every one of the tables has pristine white table cloths draped over them and standing majestically on the top are gold candelabra’s with candles flickering away.  The cutlery has been placed so neat and precise, that I am sure they actually had a poor waiter checking that were laid out inch perfect. Looking around, I gaze up at the artistically presented stained glass windows and down to the chequer board like flooring. If there aren’t enough seats to go around, the floor would sure be clean enough to eat off believe me. Goodness knows how long I had been gawking at it all for, but Marc has to pull me to one side so as to allow a train of people through the door way.
                  “I am guessing you like the place then!” Marc correctly points out the obvious.
                    I very nearly come out with a “No shit

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