The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions
healthy, and to grow?
    Inner child work is very powerful and something you need to do regularly. As you
    work with your inner child on all different beliefs about your parents, money, jobs and
    relationships, you will see how all these things shift in your life. You will also be able to
    sense a happy, healthy inner child within you. As your inner child is linked to your
    sacral energy center, you will find that this center becomes stronger and more vibrant.
    Because this center is connected to your ability to manifest things into physical reality,
    you will also find that your creative abilities strengthen and that you are able to
    manifest more of what you desire in your life.
    Many people who have been ill have benefited greatly from working with their
    inner child. By healing aspects of themselves that were desperately searching for love
    and nurturing. Their health problems also often dramatically improved or completely
    Several clients have also told me that their relationships with their children,
    parents, and partners improved dramatically after they worked with their inner child.
    They reported increase in confidence, inner strength, and love. Some of my clients even
    lost large amounts of weight after realizing that they were carrying it to protect their
    inner child.
    My Grandfather’s Story: Healing His Inner Child
    As a child, my maternal grandfather Misha developed a rare kind of
    courage, intuition, and survival instinct. He demonstrated audacity that left
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    Inna Segal
    his older siblings and their friends in awe. Unfortunately, at the tender age of
    fourteen, he was unjustly captured and cruelly punished for something he
    did not do, as one day, while walking home, he noticed a crowd of people in
    heated discussion. Curious, he approached them and noticed a broken lock
    on the ground. Someone had broken into a local bakery and stolen some
    bread. Just as Misha was discovering what had happened, a swarm of
    policemen arrived, grabbing everyone who was in the vicinity of the bakery.
    Misha was falsely convicted and sentenced to ten years at a labor camp
    in Siberia. The conditions were ghastly and very few survived the harsh labor,
    starvation, bitter cold, cruel beatings, and random killings. Instinctively, Misha
    used the power of his mind, his intuition, and a strong resolve to stay alive
    and to endure the brutal years until his release. Incredibly, as an adult he was
    strong, loving, gentle, and fearless. The deeper scars of his torturous experi-
    ences began to emerge more obviously as he progressed into his seventies.
    Several years ago I was exploring the power of ancestral memories and
    their profound effects on family lineages. I knew that neither of my grand-
    parents had done much healing of their traumatic childhoods. Their only
    release was sharing their experiences fifty years later. For many years in
    Russia, speaking aloud about your suffering during the war or in camps
    could put you at risk of going to jail or being killed.
    Through my own work on myself, as well as people in my immediate
    family, I knew that my grandparents’ traumas had been passed on. For
    instance, during my teenage years and early twenties, I had a strange but
    deep fear of being homeless. For a long time, I could not understand where
    it came from. One day, I was talking to my cousin, and she shared that she
    experienced the same anxiety. I realized then that both of my grandparents,
    during their teens and early twenties were homeless. Their unprocessed
    distress was passed on to us, even though neither my cousin nor I ever had
    a real reason to fear homelessness. Once I recognized where this anxiety
    came from, I was able to release it and help my cousin.
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    The Secret of Life Wellness
    On a particular visit to my grandparents’ apartment, when my grandfa-
    ther was already nearing

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