The Healthy Green Drink Diet

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Authors: Jason Manheim
diet you have already chosen. Luckily, they’re greeted with open arms by
    vegetarians, vegans, meat-eaters, Paleo eaters, and Zone diet practitioners alike. No one, it seems, can
    dispute the health benefits of eating greens.
    First, let’s put that “but I need protein” argument to rest. Whether or not you eat meat doesn’t really
    matter. Plants, despite what you may have heard, can give you all the protein you need. Which, according
    to the Institute of Medicine’s (IoM) Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat,
    Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids, is about 50 grams per day for the average adult. A
    better way to gauge this is to make sure 10 to 20 percent of your total food intake consists of protein.
    Proteins are made up of twenty amino acids, nine of which are known as essential because the body
    cannot make them and therefore requires them from food sources. You may have heard the argument that
    animal protein is a “complete” protein and vegetable protein is “incomplete,” however that isn’t exactly
    true. According to the same report, a protein is said to be “complete” if the nine essential amino acids
    make up these percentages of the protein being eaten:
    Since most of us eat a varied diet, and the green drinks we’re going to make use a wide variety of leafy
    greens, fruits, and other superfoods, there are absolutely no issues with hitting those numbers and more.
    Not to mention, most green vegetables do contain all nine amino acids, just not in the amounts that make
    them “complete.”
    Furthermore, many prominent experts still insist that vegans combine foods at every meal to make up for
    the so-called “incomplete” proteins. This is an absurd notion. We don’t have to eat an optimum amount of
    any other nutrient at every meal in order for our bodies to use them properly, so why do we have to
    combine foods to complete the amino acid chains? We don’t. As long as we eat a variety of fruits and

    vegetables, we have nothing to worry about proteinwise.
    Vitamins, Enzymes, Minerals, Fiber, and More…
    Greens are the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet; they’re very low in calories and pack one
    helluva nutrient punch. They’re high in antioxidants; carotonoids; flavinoids; vitamins A, C, e; folic acid,
    and calcium among a myriad of other vitamins and minerals. They’re also packed with dietary fiber that
    won’t irritate your body’s digestive system like other fibers. Since most people on a typical American
    diet are grossly deficient in fiber, green drinks are a fast and easy way to put that problem away for good.
    All of these nutrients protect from an almost staggering amount of ailments like the following:
    heart disease
    skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis…)
    high blood pressure
    high cholesterol
    bacterial growth
    viral growth
    bladder infections
    bowel issues (IBS, celiac disease…)
    Alkalize, Lose Weight, Fight Fatigue
    Greens are a very alkaline food and can help regulate your blood to a healthier alkaline (as opposed to
    acidic) state. Disease and destruction occur more readily in a body that is mostly acidic (also known as
    acidosis ).
    This alkaline state, along with the vast nutrient content of greens, plays a vital role in your body’s ability
    to metabolize and distribute fat correctly and can increase your ability to lose weight significantly. It also
    gives you a boost of energy and begins training your body to fight off fatigue. If your body is busy fighting
    disease all day, it’s no wonder you’re tired all the time. Alkalize your blood, get your vitamins and
    minerals, and enjoy your newfound energy.
    A quick note—lemons and limes, although one would think would be acidic, actually have an alkaline
    effect on the body, so don’t worry about adding a few squeezes to your green drinks, it will only amplify
    the alkalizing effects.
    For more information

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