Autumn's Shadow

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Book: Autumn's Shadow by Lyn Cote Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lyn Cote
Tags: Suspense
Keely's hand itched to reach out and take Burke's. She remembered how his strong hand had felt when he led her away from the Walachek mobile home. She folded hers together in her lap. The desire to hold the deputy's hand had caught her off guard. She rarely had these flashes of attraction to someone. But that shouldn't surprise her. She spent her life surrounded by adolescents. No attraction there.
    "Dear Father," Bruce prayed, "you know how much we have loved having Rachel with us. We are willing to keep this sweet child the rest of our lives, if that's your will. But if she belongs with someone else, if someone else is grieving over losing her, let us find that person, that mother or father. God, we want what you want, the very best for Rachel."
    Yes, Lord, Keely prayed, we do. God, this isn't up to us alone. You are acting in this situation and we're grateful.
    "Let word of this evidence find the person who needs it. In Christ's name, amen," Bruce finished.
    Each of them looked up. The prayer should have eased Keely's tension, but she felt a restlessness, unusual for her. She saw this reflected on Burke's face as he looked back at her. Was it because he suspected her brother of shooting out the school windows? Whether Grady was guilty or not, her brother knew how to push all of her buttons and had done so today. This is all too much for me and too much for Burke. He needs a break. I need a break.
    Rodd grinned, showing how his spirit had lightened."Thanks, Bruce. With God, we can't go wrong."
    Nick sauntered in, slouching to show he didn't care that he'd been forced to work. "Hey," he grumbled, "I sorted that stuff and I need to go."
    The aggrieved voice tightened Keely's neck muscles. Could I have one day off from teenagers?
    "Harlan wanted me to drive him to the VFW Labor Day picnic." Nick glared at the adults.
    Rodd stood up. "I'll drop you at Harlan's. It's on my way to Cram's." Rodd looked at Burke. "I'll take the photo  of the necklace right away and get busy on the fax machine. But I don't want you working on this. Today." He gave Burke a pointed look. "You're not the sheriff and this is your day off. You've worked enough overtime since you arrived in Steadfast to finally make even me feel guilty. Take this lady—" he nodded toward Keely—"out for a bite of lunch." Rodd departed with Nick beside him.
    Bewildered by the sheriff's announcement, Keely turned to Penny and hugged her close. "Penny, I'll be praying for you."
    Looking close to tears again, Penny nodded. Bruce squeezed Keely's upper arm affectionately and the couple left.
    The Weavers' sadness had communicated, spread to her. Keely was so tired of worrying. I need to do something completely unexpected—something that would let me shed all this worry, tension. But what? She closed her eyes and an image came to her. Yes. That's exactly where I want to be.
    Now all alone in the little kitchen, Keely and Burke looked at each other.
    The deputy looked tense, uneasy, ready to explode with frustration. He looked like a man who wanted to be doing, not waiting. Why had Rodd suggested that Burke take her to lunch? Had Rodd caught the matchmaking virus? He didn't seem the type for that. Maybe he just thought she'd keep Burke from spending his day off working on this case in spite of the sheriff's orders. He should know Burke better than anyone else. And it would be nice to . . .
    She leaned back against the counter, trying to figure out how to let Burke know that she didn't want to spend this beautiful afternoon alone, but that she didn't consider this a date. Saying that was impossible. Stop thinking and just ask him. "I don't know about you but I can't be serious one more minute."
    He studied her and then nodded.
    When he made no move or further comment, she decided to take action. And there was only one place to go. If he bowed out, so be it. "Let's get out of here." Without waiting for a reply, she reached for her purse, locked the back door, and headed toward

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