Split Second (Pivot Point)

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Book: Split Second (Pivot Point) by Kasie West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kasie West
    “Hey.” I shut myself in the closet for the added layer of sound protection, not that I thought my dad would spy on me, but just in case.
    “How are you?”
    “I’m okay. I have a question. What’s Pioneer Plaza?”
    “Pioneer Plaza? Downtown?”
    I fingered the sleeve on one of my hanging shirts. “I guess.”
    “It’s a park that has all these bronze statues of cowboys and bulls. I think it’s supposed to be like a tribute to the pioneers who settled Dallas or something.”
    What? “Do you think you could take me there sometime this week?”
    “I have cheer practice all week. I would take you after, but it’s probably not a good idea to go downtown after dark. How about next week?”
    “Yeah. Okay.” But next week wasn’t soon enough for me. Maybe I could borrow my dad’s car and go by myself . . . and get lost and mugged and kidnapped. Well, maybe not those last two, but definitely the first one.
    It took me a minute to realize Stephanie was in the middle of a sentence. I tried to catch up. She was telling a story about cheer and some girl named Lindsey. I was completely lost until she said, “So Lindsey thinks Trevor might still like me. What do you think?”
    “Do you still like him?” I already knew the answer, but I wondered if she had admitted it to herself yet.
    “I don’t know anymore. I don’t want to, but we have this history together, you know? And it’s hard to just erase history.”
    “True.” It’s actually very easy , I thought. “You want my honest opinion?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    “I think you should give yourself some space from him. Let yourself live without him for a while. I bet you’ll realize you’re happier that way.” I didn’t want to say, Because I saw the way he was with you, and it wasn’t promising . That would’ve been heartless. But she had to feel it. One-sided relationships didn’t feel right. And she’d see that once she got into a healthier relationship where someone appreciated her more.
    She sighed. “You’re probably right. Thanks for listening.”
    “I gotta run. My dad is calling on the other line.”
    “From downstairs?” I asked with a laugh.
    “Yes, he’s such a weirdo,” she said, laughing as well.
    “Have fun.”
    “Bye, Addie, and thanks again.”
    I hung up and looked at the phone for a minute, then dialed Laila’s number. It had been a few days since I’d spoken to her.
    “Addie. Hey.”
    “My dad just stole my flash drive and is keeping a secret hidden from me at a park full of bronze bulls,” I said without a formal greeting.
    “Whoa. What?”
    “My dad is keeping secrets from me, and they have to do with a DAA program, a cemetery, and pioneer statues.”
    “What kind of secrets?”
    “If I knew that, they wouldn’t be secrets.”
    “Oh, the secret kind of secrets. Why didn’t you clarify?”
    I smiled. “I have to figure it out. Do you happen to still have Rowan’s phone number?”
    “Rowan . . .” She trailed off, and I could tell she was trying to remember who he was again.
    “You know, the guy whose memory you Erased.”
    “Oh, Norm Rowan with the exceptionally good kissing abilities.”
    “Too much information, but yes.”
    “Yeah. Why? He doesn’t seem like your type.”
    “I don’t like him, but I’m going to see if he’ll take me to the fake bulls.” I hadn’t planned on asking Rowan; I had hardly talked to him at all. But he had offered to show me around town, and I decided to take him up on that.
    “Good call.” Laila gave me Rowan’s number. “And since we’re on the subject, I’ve been thinking about trying to advance my ability.”
    “Um, we weren’t on that subject at all.”
    “Wait for it. It really does relate. Connor.”
    “The guy who almost hit me with his motorcycle?”
    “What does Connor have to do with DAA programs and bull cemeteries?”
    “Well, he has nothing to do with cemeteries, but Connor is the one who always sells

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