539, 554, 583, 588, 605, 607, 675, 676, 688
as adviser to Hirohito, 178
appointed keeper of the privy seal, 370
background of, 177â78
Hirohito described by, 452
on Hirohitoâs reaction to Midway defeat, 449â50
Hirohitoâs relationship with, 371â72
Hirohitoâs religious duties described by, 442â43
surrender debate and, 504, 511, 513â15
tried as war criminal, 599, 601â2, 610, 628
Kido Takamasa, 24
Kikuchi Takefusa, 450â51
Kikuchi Takeo, 287
âKimigayoâ (national anthem), 138, 275, 551â52, 644, 653, 659
Kim Il-sung, 640
Kimura Heitaro, 609
Kinoshita Michio, 554â55, 570, 573, 579, 606, 622, 623, 678
Kirishima, 459
KiryYy, 43
Kisatsu Political Affairs Committee, 286
Kishi Nobusuke, 612, 634, 652, 660â63, 667
Kita Ikki, 98, 100â101, 102, 169
Kita Shirakawa, Prince, 112, 137
Kiyose Ichir, 601
Kiyoura Keigo, 158, 163
Kluckhohn, Frank L., 546, 547, 551
Kodama Yoshio, 539â40, 634
kd , see imperial way Koga Kiyoshi, 284â85
Kgun (âemperorâs armyâ), 154
Koiso Kuniaki, 232, 478, 479â80, 484, 493, 551
Kojiki, 67
Kojima Kazuo, 97
Kojong, king of Korea, 34â35
âKokuchkaiâ (Pillar of the state), 168, 169
Kokuhonsha, 254, 287, 288, 351
KokumintParty, 97, 104
Kokuryukai (Amur River Society), 98
Kokushi (Shiratori), 70â73
kokutai (national polity), 10, 53, 54, 84, 98, 100, 104, 168, 175, 177, 184, 201, 213, 214, 218, 429, 497, 507, 509, 523, 530, 560, 561, 570, 575, 583â84, 586, 653
antiâorgan theory campaign and, 288â91
British monarchic system and, 119â21
changing concepts of, 142
clarification movement and, 282â83, 288â94
constitution and, 78
court group and, 180
crime of altering, 206
democracy movement and, 161â62, 165
die-for-the-emperor campaign and, 495
Diet debate on, 159â61
and divinity of ancestral line, 167
emperor theory and, 161â62, 253, 287
and fear of communism, 488â90
Inoue case and, 166â67
Kellogg-Briand Pact and, 222
Meiji constitution and, 292â94
modern science and, 62, 199â200
and mutiny of 1936, 297â300, 302
national debate on meaning of, 162â65
national morality and, 166â67
new constitution and, 560, 576
Pak Yol incident and, 160â61
party politics and, 158â60
in Peace Preservation Bill, 159
preservation of, under occupation, 535, 537, 538, 540, 542, 544, 545, 547, 551, 552
and right of supreme command, 512
Shiratoriâs view of, 70â71
spirit mobilization campaign and, 313â14
surrender debate and, 507, 509, 512â18
and threat from within, 491â92
Kokutai no hongi (The Fundamentals of the national polity), 313â14
Kmei, emperor of Japan, 370
Kmoto Daisaku, 215, 217, 220
Kong, 137, 139
Konoe Fumimaro, Prince, 175, 182, 187, 237, 266â67, 313, 318, 319, 320â23, 327, 340, 343â44, 354, 367, 368, 370, 373, 375, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384, 393, 397, 401, 407, 408â9, 411, 430, 487, 492, 506, 507, 509, 521, 522, 535, 537, 538, 552â53, 583, 602, 677
Communist conspiracy theory of, 488â90, 491
Hirohitoâs decision for war exchange with, 411â12
ideological vision of, 176â77
Japan-U.S. summit proposal of, 403â5, 416
Matsuokaâs conflict with, 399â400
âNew Order in East Asiaâ declaration of, 347â48, 349
New York Times interview of, 546
nonrecognition statement of, 345â46
peace plan of, 510â11
race theory of, 266â69
surrender debate and, 513
threat from within feared by, 488â90, 491
âthree principlesâ of, 349â50
Tjâs ouster and, 478
Tjâs replacement of, 418â19
Washington Conference opposed by, 176â77
Yamamotoâs visit to, 416
Korea, 8, 26, 54, 74â75, 131â32, 135, 137, 267, 417, 444, 457, 474, 488, 522, 524, 615â16, 627
anti-Chinese rioting in, 228
and enthronement of