The Defenseless

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Authors: Carolyn Arnold
this happens more than it should. The agent is responsible for ensuring everything is filed properly. That’s the point of training them, and they are to have an attention for detail. If they don’t, then they are of no use to us.”
    “What about photographs? Aren’t these taken as evidence?”
    “Yes, but without the proof being submitted, our hands are tied. Here’s another sad fact. We were called out to a farm once. This horse’s hooves were so long, they were curling upward. They got a five thousand dollar fine and were put on probation for two years. Meaning that after two years they could go get themselves another horse and abuse it. The cycle would be able to start all over again.”
    Listening to Alisha tell these stories made Paige empathetic toward their unsub. Typically the driving force to stop a killer was to bring about justice. On this case, the line was blurred. “You mentioned that these agents are integral. So what happens when an agent fails to do their job properly? Do they get let go or can there be charges laid against them?”
    “They are reviewed, and if it was negligence, they’ll be let go.”
    “Being an agent is a paid position?” Zach asked.
    “Absolutely. While most of us at the shelter are volunteers, there are a few paid positions. Supervisory staff, agents, vets, fund managers.”
    Paige regained eye contact with Alisha. “Fund managers?”
    “The person who basically manages the shelter, ensures we have enough money to keep running. They are also responsible for arranging fundraisers, but the bulk of our support comes from our volunteers and donations.”
    Paige had a thought and wanted to see it out. “You mentioned donations? Do you have regular contributors?”
    “Of course.”
    “Could we see that list?”
    “With a warrant. I’m sorry, but if I just handed it over I’d lose my post here, and even though I’m not paid, I love my work.”
    “I can understand that, and if we had questions on a specific case?”
    “You’d best be speaking with the manager who runs the place.”
    Paige nodded. “And their name?”
    “Kim Delaney. I can leave a message for her to call you.”
    “That would be great.”
    They were on the move when Alisha shouted out. “If you’re interested in knowing our bigger donors, you could always check the plaques on the wall on your way out.”

    Zach was already pointing to one.

    Chapter 12
    Jack and I were on the way to visit the journalist, Kent Fields, at his downtown condo.
    I was happy to see that the weather was holding off. Even though the forecast called for more snow, we hadn ’t seen it yet.
    Fields ’s building was located in a wealthy district that attracted those who made a minimum seven-figure salary, if not more. Anyone with less money would have shied away, preferring the comfort of an older subdivision, or a new development geared toward lower level income families.
    Inside, a man in a light blue suit was positioned behind a front desk. “Good day, gentlemen. What can I do for you?” Based on his self-elevated aura and the purr to his voice, he considered us below him. He must have suspected we weren’t there to see an available unit.
    Jack and I held up our credentials.
    He splayed a hand over his chest . “Are you sure you have the right building? Our residents are upstanding citizens. You might have us confused somehow with the condos three blocks over.”
    Did he think those with a large bank account could do no wrong? In my experience, often the wealthy got themselves into trouble.
    “We’re here to see Kent Fields,” Jack said.
    “And you’re sure you have the right building?”
    “We’re not here to play games. We have an appointment with the man, and this is where we were told to come. Either you lead us in the right direction, or we’ll come behind your desk, consult the building’s layout and figure it out ourselves. And if you push us to that, we’ll take you in for obstruction of

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