Southern Shifters: Finding Luke (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Book: Southern Shifters: Finding Luke (Kindle Worlds Novella) by V. Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Vaughn
He yawns loudly and says, “You’re up early.”
    My emotions are too close to the surface to fake my way through breakfast with Zander, so I say, “Yeah, I had trouble sleeping. I’m going into the shop early and will stop for something to eat on the way. Help yourself to what you need.” My key clatters on the table by the door when I set it down. “You might as well take this, since I expect you plan to stay here for a while.”
    “Just like old times.” Zander smiles at me, and it takes all my willpower to return it instead of letting my cat hiss at him.
    I walk out. I breathe a sigh of relief as I jog down the stairs. I managed to get out from under Zander’s watch for a few minutes. Now it’s time to get my current life in order, and the first step is to talk to Gigi about signing over my half of the salon to her. I know I’ll be leaving her in the lurch, and I plan to make it financially worth it by taking only half of what we have in savings and letting her keep the assets. The hardest part will be finding a stylist to replace me, but I’m sure she’ll figure it out. My breath catches in my throat as my steps pound on the pavement. Will I ever see Gigi again after I leave?
    I think about my mother. While we’ve had our differences over the years, we love each other, and I’m going to miss her too. Suddenly the idea of leaving my family is harder than it was when I was lying in Luke’s arms. Am I making a huge mistake?
    I stop by the bakery, and the aroma of sugary treats makes me recall how I’ve been coming here since I was a little girl. I eye the donuts in the case and decide to order a dozen to bring to the shop. It will make my mother smile and perhaps soften the blow when I tell her I plan to leave to be with Luke.
    When I get to the door of Turning Heads, I stand for a moment and reflect on the day Gigi and I opened up our dream business. I vow we’ll find a way to see each other with an annual girls’ trip of some sort, because I’m going to miss my best friend. The bell jingles as I push my way in, and it makes me think of the day I met Luke, not the day Gigi and I opened the shop.
    The coffee maker has barely started to gurgle when the salon door opens again. I expect to see Zander when I turn, but it’s Gigi.
    I smile as she approaches me and says, “I guess you couldn’t sleep either. You’re going to leave, aren’t you?”
    I nod. “I want you to keep everything except half our savings.”
    “Xena, no. You deserve more.”
    I shake my head as I step toward her. “I don’t. Your friendship means everything to me, and I hate that I’m leaving you hanging like this.”
    She grabs my hands. “Hush. You wouldn’t mind any more than I do. I’ll make things flush when I can.”
    I tug her into an embrace. “You already do.” When we pull away, both of us have tears in our eyes, and I clear my throat to get down to business. “I’m going to need a few things, and Zander should be here soon. Could you go pack a bag for me?”
    “Of course.”
    “Feel free to take any clothes you want, even the red blouse.”
    “Wow, you sure you don’t want Luke to see you in that?” She waggles her eyebrows before she says, “When do you plan to go?”
    “I need to say good-bye to Opal. She’ll be in at noon, and then I’m on my way.”
    “Let me get Mitch to pick you up so nobody will notice your car missing.”
    “Clever girl. Would you mind selling that junker for me too?”
    “It would be my pleasure.” Gigi has wanted me to get a new car for years.
    Gigi nods as Zander pushes his way in the shop.
    I put on my game face and call out, “There’s donuts, and coffee’s ready.” I wink at Gigi and add, “The shampoo boy’s going to need his energy to keep up today.”
    She chuckles as she walks to the back.
    I spend the morning with regular clients and struggle with the knowledge that I may never see them again. So many connections are about to be severed, but

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