BLue Moon

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Book: BLue Moon by Lorie O'Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorie O'Clare
leave. Ethan. We have company.”
    Ethan took a step toward his mate. Ralph pulled her through the doorway. He moved through the kitchen with more agility than a man his size should be able to. She swore he growled at Patrick Oberhaus. The schoolteacher stepped to the side, muttering something inaudible while he nodded a polite gesture of goodbye. Sandy did all she could not to stumble in tow.
    The cold night air slapped her face but did little to stop the fire rushing through her. Ralph dragged her to his truck, opened the passenger door, grabbed her by the waist, lifted her in, and slammed the door shut. She watched him stalk around the front of the cab. Intent. Dominating. Laying claim.
    Cold air washed around her when he slid in next to her. The engine of the truck roared to life. She focused on his large hands, gripping the steering wheel while they pulled away from her daughter’s house.
    “What were you doing over there?” He sounded angry.
    She looked over at him, his strong profile, thick solid arms, his broad muscular chest. The entire package was about the deadliest werewolf she’d ever known. And he was upset. No. More like outraged. She should be terrified. But for some reason she wasn’t.
    “We were getting ready to have dinner.”
    “The four of you.” His fingers tightened and relaxed around the steering wheel. He seemed barely able to contain some storm within him that threatened to explode in all its fury at any moment. “Why were you there with Oberhaus?”
    He looked at her then, a quick glance. She studied his face, masked to prevent the strong emotions she smelled and sensed through the tenseness of his body. His dark eyes pierced through her with the intensity of his gaze.
    In the next instant, he returned his attention to the road. Her body tingled from the power emanating from him. She responded to his aggressive emotions, her own primal instincts coming forth, aching to lean into him, give herself to him, allow him to do with her what he would.
    But he was bullying her. And that wouldn’t do. No werewolf would yank her out of her daughter’s home and then accuse her of anything. She wouldn’t have it.
    “I wasn’t there with anyone,” she snapped at him, letting him know she wouldn’t be pushed. “I went on my own and was given no indication of the guest list.”
    She turned away from him, crossing her arms to show her indignation with his behavior. But in reality, she needed to make sure she wouldn’t reach out and touch him. Her body churned with electricity. An ache had spawned and continued to grow the longer she sat so close to him and didn’t touch him. Her pussy throbbed, beating a quick little pulse that made her want to reach down and rub her clit to ease the growing pressure.
    Ralph turned the corner a bit too fast, causing her to lean to the side. She would have easily fallen into him if she hadn’t braced herself. But her jeans rubbing against her pussy, pressing against the pulsating, swollen nub, made her explode. She pressed her hand against his leather seat, not only to keep herself from falling into him, but to brace herself while molten heat surged through her.
    “You are not available for other werewolves to date.” His words had the finality of a direct order.
    She was so taken back by them that she didn’t realize until he parked that they were in her driveway. Her heart seemed to have stopped breathing. She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly too dry.
    “What do you mean by that?” If he intended to make her his bitch, he would do it properly. And then she would think about it.
    Ralph opened his car door, grabbed her hand, and pulled her across the seat. She adjusted herself quickly so she wouldn’t hit the steering wheel. He almost crushed her hand while he guided, almost pulled her, to her front door. But he didn’t answer her. His silence was almost as dangerous as his aggressive behavior. And she wondered at herself for being so excited by his

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