Executive Power

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Book: Executive Power by Vince Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vince Flynn
Tags: thriller
I've crawled out of the surf wondering if I'm going to catch a bullet right between the eyes." Rapp marked the spot with his index finger.
    "I've seen a helicopter filled with young men blown from the sky because an arrogant senator couldn't keep his mouth shut."
    Jones's arms were again folded across her chest and in a disinterested tone she said, "I'm well aware of what you've done for a living."
    Rapp stood with his feet firmly planted, seething with anger.
    "I can take a lot of crap from people, Valerie, but one thing I can't stand is a lack of gratitude. I'm one of those guys on the beach getting shot at, trying to do the right thing, risking it all for love of country, duty and honor. Words that mean nothing to you. I've been there and you haven't." He pointed at her.
    "No Starbucks coffee, no dinners at Morton's, no warm baths. Just a lot of bugs, salty MREs and the comforting thought that there are a lot of self-centered Americans who will never be able to appreciate the sacrifice you've made.
    "So, yeah, I guess I've lost it a bit," Rapp said in a calmer voice, "and that's why I'm not going to let you protect those arrogant assholes over at the State Department. The CIA had Ames, the FBI had Hanssen and now the State Department is going to have Cox and Petry. Things are going to get real uncomfortable for the Ambassador and the under Secretary, and that piece of shit General Moro is going to get his, I can promise you that."
    Jones still stood defiantly and asked for a second time, "Are you done?"
    Rapp's face actually broke into a smile. He looked at the President for a moment. Hayes was notorious for letting his aides battle it out.
    His motto was that he'd rather get it all out in the open than let it fester under the surface.
    Looking at Jones, Rapp thought, I can't believe I actually saved this woman's life. Shaking his head, he said, "I've got one last thing to say. If it wasn't for me' Valerie you'd be dead." Rapp turned and started for the door. Over his shoulder he said, "So I'd appreciate a little more gratitude. "When Rapp reached the door he opened it and looked back at Jones.
    "Oh, and by the way, you'd better figure out how you're going to spin this when it breaks, because I'm not going to stay quiet."

    The room was located on the seventh floor of the hotel. David slid his passkey into the slot and when the light turned green he placed his forearm on the handle and opened the door. His meeting with General Hamza hadn't lasted long, and knowing what the future had in store for the Iraqi thug helped to make their encounter more bearable than usual. Fortunately, Hamza hadn't indulged in his usual hour of browbeating and self-aggrandizement. The general was very fond of reminding his contact of the Palestinian people's position in the Arab pecking order. In Hamza's exalted point of view, the Palestinians ranked just above camel dung.
    When the general finished his drink and stood to leave, David knew what was causing him to cut short tonight's lecture. There was something in Hamza's room that the general wanted to get back to. It was for that reason that David was in a hurry. His spies had followed the general's men earlier in the day and had witnessed them once again kidnap a young girl.
    He'd never left the hotel. After watching the general and his bodyguards leave, David waited a few minutes and then headed for the lobby. One of his people met him and took the cases. David then headed up to the room that he'd checked into three days earlier.
    Grabbing a pair of latex gloves from his pocket, he went to work.
    In front of the bathroom mirror he peeled off the beard and wiped clean the gray dye from his hair and eyebrows. Both the beard and the damp washcloth were placed in a Ziploc bag. Next he took off the suit and shoes and grabbed a backpack from the closet. He put on a pair of black pants, black tennis shoes, dark shirt and coat and then rolled the other clothes up tightly and stuffed everything

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