Trial and Glory
still working on the whereabouts of Belin and Adosh.”
    Tobin opened the scrap of paper. “I know the area.” He looked up. “You did well, captain.”
    Teznak relaxed.
    “Return to your tower. You’ll need a good night’s sleep to continue your search tomorrow.”
    Teznak bowed and left.
    Tobin considered the time as he stared at the paper in his hand. Many would already be sleeping. Still, with possible answers to his mother so close, he didn’t want to wait until morning, especially since he knew what nightmares awaited him.
    * * *
    Tobin’s boots pounded the cobbled streets as he left Saruk’s house. Each echoing footfall across the quiet city night seemed to remind him of his fruitless endeavor.
    Three dead and one who lost his mind years ago.
    He had awakened the old man’s entire household with his visit only to learn from Saruk’s wife that her husband had not been himself in decades. Still Tobin demanded to see Saruk, and his wife humbly obliged.
    The old man had lain shriveled on a cot, drooling and mumbling to himself. He had soiled himself during Tobin’s brief stay. Tobin tried questioning Saruk’s wife, but saw quickly that she knew nothing.
    His eyes turned up to the night sky, briefly gazing at the stars.
    Only two left.

Chapter 7
    Soldiers sprinted past Kaz across the catwalks that separated the middle and outer walls. Their heavy footsteps beat the stone beneath them in such a hurried manner, several men fell to the ground while stepping on the heels of the person in front.
    Kaz yanked one of those to their feet, pushing him forward while yelling to everyone in earshot. “Slow down, and keep your heads! You’ve been here before.” The steady mass of men continued in a more organized manner.
    True, his men had been here before on some level, but not even Nareash’s first assault weeks ago included the use of so many siege towers. The approaching wall of wood and animal hide cast an ever-growing shadow that stretched over the valley floor.
    Kaz stepped out of the path of the men passing. A young messenger ran up.
    “Commander, Jeldor wanted me to inform you that his men are in position.”
    Kaz craned his neck while studying the left side of the outer wall. “Tell him to switch positions of the third and fifth companies. Otherwise, he’s fine.”
    The messenger saluted and took off.
    Kaz spared a quick glance over the edge of the catwalk to the killing ground below which separated the outer and middle walls. He had used the down time between attacks over the last few weeks to fill the space with various hazards to obstruct any enemy on their way to the middle wall. Thinking about the approaching horde, he hoped he wouldn’t have to test the effectiveness of those hazards any time soon.
    A flash of light reflected off a passing soldier’s helm. Kaz blinked, shielding his eyes from the sun peaking through the rolling clouds. He thought it might rain, but it looked like the weather would hold.
    That’ll help the archers and the footing of the men. But the heat will only sap our strength.
    Crossing the rest of the catwalk’s span, he made his way to the gatehouse. A lone horseman galloped across the valley toward the fortress with three men in pursuit.
    Will he ever learn not to cut it so close?
    From the left, Yanasi shouted orders. A small flight of arrows took to the sky. The projectiles engulfed the three riders, felling two. The third pulled away in retreat, hunched in the saddle. Yanasi wore an annoyed scowl.
    “Open the gate!” shouted Kaz.
    Chains screeched as the portcullis climbed upward. Several deep booms reverberated through the stone wall as the outside doors opened, allowing Rygar in.
    Kaz gazed back across the sparse landscape while watching the towers roll over the rough land of dirt and rock.
    At this rate, they won’t reach the walls until midday.
    He stepped away from the merlons, glancing through the murder holes near his feet as Rygar passed

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