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Book: Avenged by Janice Cantore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janice Cantore
Tags: FICTION / Christian / Romance
that. And maybe one kind of life does end so a new one can start.” His eyes were warm, and Carly struggled to stir up righteous anger to flush out the fear.
    She couldn’t do it. The thought of being a mother scared her to death.
    Just then Mary Ellen stepped up with a bag of to-go food. “Here you go, Sergeant Anderson,” she said with a smile. “I waited until you were just about finished before putting the order in.”
    “Perfect.” Nick took the bag and handed Mary Ellen some money. “I don’t need any change back from this.”
    Mary Ellen blushed, thanked Nick, nodded hello to Carly, and was gone.
    “Looks like she’s doing well,” Carly said, happy for the subject change.
    “Yep.” Nick finished his coffee in one gulp. “I’ve got to get back. Mickey is probably cursing me in all five of the languages he speaks. Those guns opened a can of worms. The serial numbers have all been filed off. We have to call in ATF on this. They have the resources to try to raise them.”
    He reached across the table and laid his hand down, palm up. After a second, Carly put her hand in his. He closed his hand around hers. “I’m not sure what time I’ll be home. Try to get some sleep.”
    She nodded and squeezed, fighting the unsettled feeling in her gut. “I will. You be safe.”
    He winked and left the restaurant. Carly watched him leave as she nursed her coffee. She would have left shortly after him if Dean Barton hadn’t walked in a few minutes later.

    HE SAW HER AT ONCE and smirked. There was a tall blonde at his side. Carly thought the woman looked familiar but didn’t waste time trying to figure it out. She focused like a laser beam on Barton and was on her feet without stopping to think.
    “What are you doing here?”
    “What’s it look like? Getting something to eat. What are you doing? Waiting to harass me again?” His gravelly tone was singsongy and taunting. He winked at the blonde.
    Carly felt her face redden with anger, and she was conscious of several people turning their way to watch the confrontation. “You were told to stay away from here.”
    “I’m here and I’m staying. What are you going to doabout it?” He stared at her with cold, empty eyes, the challenge there naked and obvious.
    What could she do? She was off duty and there was no sign of Erika anywhere. Barton’s threat hung in the air. Carly stiffened and struggled to avoid what she knew the man wanted: a physical confrontation. The trouble was, she wanted one as well. She wanted to smash him in the face and wipe that smirk off.
    She turned and saw Ned emerge from the kitchen. Taller than his brother, Ned was thinner, and he walked with a bit of a limp. Carly caught Dean’s glance at his brother and saw in it undisguised animosity, so Ned’s next words surprised her.
    “It’s okay. He’s my brother; he can stay.” Ned held up his good hand and continued toward them. He never wore a prosthetic, so the handless arm hung at his beltline. His brow creased in a frown as he cast a glance at Dean, who now grinned broadly, animosity gone. “We’re working some things out,” Ned continued.
    “What about what happened last night?”
    Ned sighed. “Like I said, we’re working on things.”
    She studied him and read a lot of things in his face but saw no level of comfort with his brother.
    “Me and my lady need some food, little brother.” Dean grabbed the blonde’s hand and continued smirking at Carly.
    She turned back to Ned. “All right, all right. My mistake.”Inside, she seethed all the more, knowing that Dean Barton was trying to set her off.
    “You’re a stupid cop,” Dean said, his scarred face twisted with glee. The woman laughed. “We expect stupid mistakes.” He waved a hand dismissively and turned away. “Come on, Bro, buy me breakfast.”
    Ned gave Carly an apologetic nod. She knew he wasn’t happy with the situation. Something else was going on, but she wasn’t going to

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