Runaway Vegas Bride
altogether,” Jane suggested.
    Gram and Gladdy groaned, then looked at each other like it was too horrible an idea to even think about.
    “Surely you’ve both had enough men by now,” she tried.
    “I hope to have a man in my life for as long as I’m breathing,” Gram said.
    Gladdy nodded her head, obviously agreeing. “You’ve just never learned how to truly enjoy a man, Jane. If you had, you’d understand.”
    “Enjoy a man?” She winced, remembering being called a prude and Gram and Gladdy feeling sorry for her, just because she didn’t turn her life upside down for every man who showed the slightest interest in her. “I’ve had enjoyable men in my life before.”
    “Name one,” Gladdy challenged her.
    “I…uhhh…” She had to think, then came up with, “Andy Scovol. He was great fun. We did all sorts of things together, and I still miss him since he moved away.”
    “He was your best friend in fifth grade. That was eighteen years ago, and he wasn’t a man. He was a boy. I bet you never even kissed him,” Gram complained.
    “Of course I didn’t kiss him. He was my friend. It’s okay to be friends with men, isn’t it? Surely it’s not all about sex.”
    Gladdy sighed. “Jane, we worry about you.”
    “And I worry about the two of you, too.”
    “Well, don’t. We’re fine.”
    “Fine,” Gram agreed.
    “But you won’t be if you both keep running around with that man, Leo.”
    Gram gave a dismissive huff. “We told you. He’s so much fun to have around.”
    “Well, you should know he’s been having fun with both of you.” There, she’d just blurted it out.
    “Of course he has,” Gram said. “We’ve had dinner together every day this week. We played doubles today in tennis, and we’re going dancing downtown Saturday night.”
    “That’s not all he’s been doing.” It had to be said, Jane knew. “I’m sorry, but it’s not. His nephew says he’s incapable of being faithful to any woman or of making any kind of long-term commitment.”
    Gladdy laughed. “Honey, we’re both in our…seventies. How can a long-term commitment even apply at our age?”
    Jane let the lying about their ages go. It wasn’t the issue.
    “He’s been romancing you both. Gram, you think you’re in love with him, and he was here, in this room…doing things with Gladdy yesterday.”
    Gladdy looked outraged.
    “I’m sorry,” Jane told her. “But he was.”
    “Doing…things?” Gram asked.
    “Oh, pooh. I had something in my eye, and he was helping me get it out. I’ve already told Kathleen about it, and she understands perfectly. Don’t you, Kathleen?”
    “Of course I do.” She patted Gladdy’s hand with lifelong affection. “Gladdy and I would never let a man come between us.”
    “But…but you said you were in love with him.” Jane tried.
    “I’m quite sure I am. It’s so exciting! Love at my age.” She smiled like she didn’t have a care in the world.
    “See? I told you,” Jane said to Gladdy. “Love. She thinks she’s in love with that…cad!”
    Gladdy rolled her eyes and said, “So what? Half the women at Remington Park are in love with Leo Gray. Jane, he’s a wonderful man. I wish you could see that, and if I ever hear about you assaulting him again…Well, let’s just say Kathleen and I are both greatly disappointed in you, Jane. Would you care to explain yourself?”
    Jane frowned, her brow furrowing. Everyone was in love with Leo? That was it? That was their explanation?
    Could she have completely misread the situation and thought Gram cared more about him than she actually did? Was no one’s heart or lifelong friendship at risk here?
    Jane sighed. It was hard work, taking proper care of two women in their eighties, especially two active, stubborn women who didn’t want to be taken care of. “I just…I worry about the two of you.”
    “Well, we worry about you, too, Jane, darling,” Gram said gently. “But we try not to overreact and let you live your own

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