organised, I found a more practical way to hit out at them, especially as their presence under my roof gives me perfect cover.”
Anna could believe that Greta would have carried out those original wild plans if they had proved feasible, for there had been a ruthless glint in her eye when she had spoken of the invaders. “I can understand your feelings, because I experienced a similar sense of outrage yesterday when I heard that my family home had been requisitioned.”
Greta inclined her head sympathetically. “I’d like you to tell me about that later and also give me some news of Karl. He mentioned in his letter that you had an idea that would explain your presence here, because as he told you, I’m not allowed to take any civilian guests.”
“ I thought I could be here as a hotel trainee, if you’re agreeable. That would enable me to come and go as a temporary member of staff. Then, if I have to leave in a hurry, the Germans could be told that I’ve gone on to another hotel.”
Greta narrowed her eyes as she considered the suggestion. “Yes, that should be plausible enough. You’d better be a trainee manageress. That will give you even more freedom of movement. As a matter of fact, that should work out very well, because I have contacts with two other Home Front hotel proprietors, one in Oslo and the other in Trondheim, who could take you in. But you’ll have to get a condensed training while you’re here if you’re going to pass yourself off in that role if you’re questioned.”
“ Are you sure about my being here? It does add to your danger.”
“ It also adds to my pleasure in deceiving the Germans even more.” Greta sat back in her chair. “So you can be safely installed here. We can talk more later and you can tell me what background you’ve been given and so forth. I’ve known everyone in my present employ for a long time and all are patriots, although with the exception of the only man on my staff, Emil, they are all ignorant of my being involved with the Home Front. You’ve met my daughter, Margot, at the reception desk. Now let’s deal with whatever you have with you.”
“ Yes, of course.” Reassured by all that had been said, Anna slid the heel off her shoe and extracted the tiny, folded message. “This is to be sent off at once.”
Greta took it and nodded. “Emil will deliver it tonight.” She tucked it into the waistband of her skirt where she had a concealed pocket. “Now I’ll take you along to the kitchen. Not all the staff will be there as some are part-time.”
She swept ahead, straight-backed with a fluid grace, her black skirt swinging. On the way she explained the layout of the hotel, which was larger than had appeared from its frontage. Everything that she said was accompanied by a gesture that compelled attention to her beautiful hands, a gold wedding ring on her finger the only jewellery she was wearing.
The kitchen was as scrubbed and spotless as was usual anywhere in the country. The cook, who was in a crisp white overall and a cap, was preparing a large turbot. Another woman was piling up plates and a third was checking a cupboard.
Emil in green overalls was just coming into the kitchen with a screwdriver and an electric iron in his hand. Grey-haired with a ruddy face, he looked as if he might have been a seaman before some accident caused him to limp. He gave Anna a smile that wrinkled his face like a walnut as Greta made her announcement.
“ Fröken Larsen,” she explained, “has come to commence here as a trainee manageress and stay for a while. I know you’ll do all you can to assist her. Please, Emil, would you introduce everybody. Afterwards, come to the office. I think the lamp there is faulty.”
Only Anna and he knew that the real reason was being covered.
After the introductions Edith, the cook, who had twinkling eyes, answered a question from Anna about the difficulties of catering on the rations. “I’ve become such an expert that I