Dark Victory
or not. She’d passed with flying colors.
    So why was she looking really tense? Why was she worried?
    He lurked and his concern vanished. He was not interested in a war of witches, although he knew her civilian sister was a witch.
    “Why would you think the Highlander is someone we know?”
    She shrugged. “No reason.”
    What wasn’t she telling him? “What’s wrong with you? Bad lay last night?”
    She gave him a look. “There’s no such thing. Maybe the Highlander followed the demon here.”
    He liked her arrogance—a lot. But her comment gave Nick pause.
    He had decided well over a year ago that the witch burnings were not as random as most of law enforcement believed. He also disagreed with the agency’s social anthropologists and shrinks who claimed the gangs were simply on a new demonic high, and it was cooler to burn people at the stake than to murder each other gangland style. He knew with every fiber of his being that there was a rhyme and a reason to the burnings. He was absolutely certain that there was one great black power behind all of the gangs in the country, if not the world, and that their leader was a medieval demon.
    And he had made it his personal mission to nail the sonuvabitch.
    So if the Highlander had followed a medieval demon to New York, he’d jump for joy if the incident was somehow connected to the witch burnings. “We know nothing about our holy friend—although I intend to change that.”
    “It was too quiet this weekend, until now,” Sam said after a reflective pause.
    “Yeah, it was like a vacation.” He hated vacations. “Let’s not speculate. We have a priority. We need to find our medieval ally before someone else does.”
    Before he could tell her about the breaking news, the child screamed.
    He knew that horrific sound inside and out. It was a part of his soul and he’d hoped to never hear it again.
    The young girl screamed, and he heard the roar as the sedan went up in flames. He inhaled, flinching. He had no time for a flashback now.
    But he saw the inferno on the night-darkened freeway and he heard the heavy, black laughter.
    “Nick? You okay?”
    He heard Sam, but vaguely, as if she was speaking to him from far away. He breathed hard and realized he felt sick. He’d just had a goddamned flashback!
    It took him a moment to push the image away. When he had, he was at his window, staring down at the cars passing below on the slick city streets.
    Holy shit. He’d vanquished the flashbacks about a decade ago. He couldn’t understand why they were starting up all over again.
    He’d pretend it hadn’t happened—so it hadn’t happened. He had the best secretary money could buy—and money couldn’t buy Jan, only her own, personal demons could. Jan was classified Level Five at HCU and she’d been at his side through the best times and the worst times. Once upon a time she’d been his best field agent. If she ever learned he was having flashbacks again, she’d hound him so bad he’d cave and go to a shrink. Of course, by then, hell would have frozen over and the war would have been won or lost.
    He got it together and faced Sam. “Here’s the deal. The Highlander got Brad with his sword in front of a bunch of cops and civvies,” Nick said.
    Sam faced him, her eyes wide.
    “The press got wind of it and they’re going with it. I can’t close it down. They’re calling him ‘the Sword Murderer’—original, don’t you think?”
    “Shit,” Sam said. She was a bit pale, when Sam was usually the coolest cucumber he knew.
    “He also took at least one hit from our city’s finest,” Nick added. “Of course, a teensy-weensy bullet probably won’t bother him very much.” He picked up the white phone and made a single call. It would stop the cops from hunting their Highlander down. He could do that much.
    He smiled cheerfully at her after hanging up. “The cops will be put to bed shortly. But the story is breaking on the evening news right

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