considering relocating his facility away from Welchton.
What was it about Emily that had him all turned around? He’d never let anyone influence a business decision. What did it say about how he felt about her that he wanted to wake her and tell her he would do anything to keep her with him?
Anything to keep her with me? What the hell am I thinking? I’m heading off to Trundaie and back to my life. The last thing I need is to let a woman distract me.
It wasn’t just any woman, though. It was Emily. Just the thought of her lying in her bed in the other room made his heart beat loudly in his chest. Trusting his instincts had always guided him well, and everything in Asher was certain of one thing—Emily was his. He hadn’t changed his mind about some things. This wasn’t forever, but it also no longer had a shelf life of only a weekend. When it ended, which he was certain it would, he would be generous to her, kinder than he’d taken the time to be to anyone. He had a feeling that being with her would leave him changed, and the idea was becoming more appealing to him.
As in business, Asher found power as soon as he chose his path. People wasted time and opportunities when indecisive. Asher had always preferred to set his course, plow through the obstacles, and leave the waffling to those too afraid to fight for what they wanted.
He called his assistant and told him to contact the team and tell them the project was on hold. He’d have his facility and Emily would have her museum. He’d sort out the details once he returned to his office.
“How do you want to handle Blue Ridge Construction? They’re waiting for us to return the contract they sent over. They’d hoped to started demolition next month. It’s a major project for them,” Ryan said.
Asher walked over to the window and took in the outline of Emily’s museum against the white of the snow. “Email our contact and tell them we’re not moving forward with the facility at this time. There has been a complication.”
“Is it the Harris woman? If so, Hearne is back from Germany. He’s the best when it comes to resolving complications.”
Asher ran a hand through his hair impatiently. As his company had expanded he’d relinquished more and more of the day-to-day decisions to key people he trusted within his company. Ryan was one of those people. His title was personal assistant, but he was paid generously because he could make things happen and with more efficiency than many vice presidents Asher knew in other companies. Still, it was disconcerting to realize Ryan knew more about this Hearne man than he did. “When I get back to the office have a full report on Hearne ready for me.”
“I don’t ask how he does it, and he doesn’t tell me. But if you want Ms. Harris to change her mind, send Hearne to Welchton.”
“Keep Hearne out of Welchton and get me that report,” Asher said. He hung up the phone and rubbed a hand over his face. Work was usually his priority, but what he wanted right then had nothing to do with his business goals. He wanted a few more days of feeling how he did when Emily smiled at him.
If any of his brothers had spoken about a woman that way, he would have laughed at them. Unfortunately, there was nothing funny about how he felt about Emily. She was an addiction he wanted to lose himself in.
Despite the sex they’d had, he knew Emily was close to pulling away from him. She was angry about things that had been put into motion before he’d met her. He wasn’t the type to apologize, but he’d discovered the pleasure that could be found in not fighting with her, and he wanted to find a way to appease her.
He conceded his lack of expertise when it came to the workings of the female mind and called his sister. “Kenzi, I need your opinion on something.”
“Asher? Wait, can you repeat that? Did you just ask for my opinion?”
Asher smiled. Of all his siblings, he got along with his sister the best. Regardless of her