Destiny's Wrath (Destiny Series - Book 3)

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Book: Destiny's Wrath (Destiny Series - Book 3) by Nancy Straight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Straight
directed her attention to me, “Do you question your gifts?”
    “ I haven’t figured out how to change someone’s destiny, if that’s what you mean.”
    “ I do not have those abilities, so I am unable to advise you. You must realize that changing someone’s course in life should not be taken lightly. When you know how to work your special gift, it should not be used unless you are willing to accept the repercussions.”
    I heard a familiar voice speak from behind me, “I’m confident, Dakota, that Lauren is not susceptible to your words of doubt. I think you’ve done enough damage. You should leave these two alone.” Renny’s words were stern, a thinly veiled warning.
    Max looked between the two women, “I don’t care who helps us, but we need to fix this.”
    Dakota was the first to respond, “I am unable to stay here with Renny so close. It pains me to leave you two in her care, but I am not strong enough to help you. There is little to be done. This was a tragedy that only the two of you could have averted, and only six months ago.” Dakota looked directly at me, “There are no destinies to be bent or to be manipulated. The damage is already done.”
    Her words sliced me. I could feel my mouth gaping open and saw the hurt look on Max’s face as she walked away. Renny’s voice took on a calming effect, “She’s very good. Do not allow her words to affect you. She is merely doing what she was placed on this earth for, to make you doubt your choices. The only thing she was correct about was there is nothing that can be done to undo this situation. Go home to your happy lives. You have both earned them.” Renny, too, walked away.
    We stood beside Max’s truck. He was the first to recover. “So the kid is possessed, Dakota says we are responsible, but there’s nothing for us to do about it now. Renny says we’re not responsible, to go home, and to have a happy life. Did you notice neither one of them was the slightest bit concerned about the kid?”
    “ Yeah, they were so concerned when Samael was in you that they sent a ‘hit squad’ to our house, but now that Samael’s been involved in a series of murders, they’re both telling us to get outta’ here.”
    “ Let’s go to the jail and try to talk to the kid.”
    “ What about Samael? Aren’t you concerned that he’ll somehow leap out of the kid and into you?”
    “ I’ve been giving that some thought. I need to run an idea past you.”

Chapter 11
    We drove past the kid’s house. I felt terrible for Jimmy’s mother. There were reporters, news vans, massive satellite dishes, and a media frenzy waiting for any potential movement from the house. I asked Max, “So, what do you think, maybe we can just walk up the front steps?”
    “ Looking to make the regional news again?”
    “ No, thanks.”
    We went to the local library and Googled Jimmy Jacob’s family. He lived with his mother, a single parent who worked for the local telephone company. We were able to find his home phone number, but not surprisingly, it seemed to be off the hook. I saw the library had postage stamps and envelopes available to purchase. I decided to pen a letter, knowing it would take a full day to reach Ms. Jacobs, but absent any other ideas, this was the best I had.
    Dear Ms. Jacobs,
    My name is Lauren Davis. I met your son several months ago. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through. I would like to help, if I can, but am unable to contact you any way other than the mail. I’d rather not brave the media circus outside your home without your consent to visit. Please call me if you will meet with me.
    Kind regards,
    I wrote my cell phone number at the bottom of the note. Max and I stopped at the local post office. I ran in and handed the letter to the postman just as he was ready to lock the door for the evening. He looked like he’d had a pretty rough day and seemed happy to just accept a letter rather than trying to tell someone

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