Blood on the Sand

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Book: Blood on the Sand by Pauline Rowson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pauline Rowson
I heard him talk years ago, at a seminar, when I was studying personality, profiling and criminology. He was about sixty then and a legend in his field.'
       Horton doubted if there was a connection, but he'd ask Trueman to check just to be sure. Not that it had any bearing on this case. Still, any information was better than none. Addressing Cantelli, Horton said, 'Did Thea Carlsson mention anything to Birch about Arina Sutton being killed in the same spot as her parents in 1990?'
       'If she did he didn't bring it up at the briefing this morning. He claims she said practically nothing before the solicitor showed up and afterwards just sat there looking forlorn. All she did say was that she went to the Duver because she had a feeling that was where she'd find her brother. Of course Birch doesn't believe her.'
        And neither does anyone else , thought Horton, studying Cantelli to see what he thought. Cantelli simply raised his dark eyebrows, as though to say 'who knows?'
       Gaye scraped back her chair with a yawn. 'Sounds like you've got quite a case on your hands, Inspector.'
       'I'm on holiday,' Horton replied, rising.
       'Looks like it,' she rejoined sarcastically. 'Well, I'm going home to catch up on my beauty sleep.'
       He should have answered, 'you don't need it', but he'd never been one for smooth talking. Not that Gaye Clayton expected it, but she was eyeing him rather curiously.
       'I'll give you a lift to the hovercraft,' volunteered Cantelli as they headed out of the café.
       Outside Horton paused and peered through the heavy stinging rain. There was no one loitering suspiciously. In this weather there wasn't anyone about at all.
       Turning to Cantelli he said, 'How did Thea get to Bembridge? She didn't use her brother's car.'
       'She phoned for a taxi to take her to St Helens and walked down to the Duver from there. The taxi driver has confirmed it.'
       'Is she still at the hospital?'
       'She was when I left the station.'
       'I'll pay her a visit. If someone's watching her it'll reinforce the belief that I'm a friend.'
       Cantelli's phone rang. Sheltering in the doorway of the café, he answered it as Horton escorted Dr Clayton towards Cantelli's car parked opposite the Harley.
       'I hear you had a close call last night,' Gaye said, ramming her hands in the pockets of her sailing jacket and seemingly impervious to the rain lashing into her face.
       'Could have been worse.' His chest was still raw, but it would get better.
       She halted and stared up at him with an expression of concern. 'Be careful, Andy.'
       'Why the warning?' he asked with false lightness as alarm pricked his spine.
       'Perhaps I'm just tired, but I don't like this case. There's the smell of evil around it.'
       Horton grew even more concerned though he tried not to show it. She'd echoed his sentiments exactly. 'I didn't think scientists had premonitions,' he teased.
       'Well, this one does and she's just had it. I haven't met Thea Carlsson, only her dead brother, but this is a clever killing by a clever killer. And, despite Cantelli's theories, it is not yobbos. Your killer never for a moment thought it would be construed as suicide, but he's done his best to make it difficult for us to ascertain time and place of death. Anyway, I've said my piece. I just don't want you ending up on my dissecting table – no matter how much I'd like to see you without your clothes.' She smiled to lessen the impact of her words but Horton shuddered at the thought of being laid out on the mortuary slab.
       'That was Somerfield,' Cantelli said, hurrying towards them. Horton saw instantly that something was wrong. 'Thea's gone.'
       'How? When?' Horton rapped.
       'About half an hour ago. She said she wanted a shower before she left the hospital for the safe house. The WVRS volunteer had brought her some clothes. Well, she could hardly walk out in a hospital gown and

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