their master suite, the fatigue had returned full force.
“I can tell you’re glad to be home.” Sherri, his college sweetheart, climbed on the bed and nestled herself against him.
“I am. The conference was good, though. Me and James finally got a chance to catch up.”
“How’s married life treating him?”
“I’ve got to admit it. He looks good, Sherri, like he’s lost at least ten pounds. Debbie must be doing something right.”
“She’s probably cooking, something that wifey number one felt was beneath her.”
“Now, don’t be too hard on the gold digger.”
“Ha! I wonder what she’s up to now.”
“If I know her, trying to find another cash cow.”
“Thank God for Debbie. She’ll help restore James’s faith in women. The few times we’ve talked, I’ve really enjoyed the conversation. I think I have her number in my phone.”
“You should call her. In fact, we should make plans to do an adults-only getaway. Maybe meet them in Vegas or somewhere fun.”
“That sounds good.” She repositioned her head in the crook of his arm. “Anything else exciting happen?”
A pause and then, “I did an exclusive interview for Science Today .”
“Ooh, very nice. I take it that went well.”
“Yes. She asked probing, intelligent questions, which allowed me the platform for informative answers.”
“Yes. Her name is Jacqueline Tate. She is a freelance writer for them as well as other medical and science publications.”
“Hum. Is she pretty?”
“Beautiful, actually.”
“Well, why don’t you tell me how you really feel!”
“Hey, woman, you asked! But you don’t have anything to worry about. Nobody can compete with you.”
“Un huh. Whatever. I hope you behaved.”
Even if she hadn’t smiled, Randall knew she was joking. Aside from a single indiscretion early on in the marriage, he had never given Sherri anything to worry about. She trusted him completely.
Randall took off his tie, then slid off the bed to remove everything but his black Calvin Klein briefs. “Any updates on Mom Elaine?”
Sherri’s disposition immediately changed. Her mother’s health issues were a constant concern. “She’s doing okay. There have been no changes.”
“Then take comfort in that, baby. In this situation, stability is actually good news.”
Sherri nodded, but looked at him with forlorn eyes.
He sat down, reached for her hand. “She’s going to be fine, babe. We’ve got the best doctors in the country checking into her situation. Plus, I discussed her symptoms with my colleagues during our private meetings on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. One of the doctors is going to forward information he has on cranial infections and how they affect brain function.”
She sat beside him. “You think her brain is infected?”
“Sherri, please don’t get worked up. The truth is, I don’t know. But because the doctors have yet to offer a solid diagnosis, I wanted to describe her situation to those present and see if it rang a bell on something they’d treated. The head of neurology at UCLA is now on my speed dial. I’m going to do everything in my power to make Mom well.”
Sherri teared up as she moved in close to her husband. “You are such an amazing, incredible man. What would I ever do without you?”
He kissed her tenderly on the lips. “Thankfully, you’ll never have to find out.”
“Baby, I’m so sorry.”
“About what?”
“That night . . . before you left.”
“I told you over the phone not to worry about that.”
“But I do worry, thought about it all the while you were gone! You’re a good man, a wonderful father . . . and I need to be a better wife. I need to always take care of your physical needs, especially when you’re heading out of town for a week!”
For a while, Randall said nothing. After all, one couldn’t argue with fact. The home fires had been cooling for quite a while, especially since Sherri had become preoccupied with her mom.