Freeing Her
    Sam grinned as he walked out of the office.
Gabby was glad he was on Team Gabby and not Team Danny. Sam was a
large man. No—large was too small a word for him. Sam was
gargantuan. He had to be at least six four but he was every bit as
broad. One of his hands could easily encompass her neck, and she
was quite positive he could snap it like a toothpick. That’s the
kind of girth he carried. He wasn’t fat. Simply put, he was a
    Gabby carried her lunch to the tiny kitchen
and sat down to eat. The paper sack contained a chicken salad
sandwich on multigrain bread, a container of orzo salad, and a
chocolate chip cookie. At the very bottom was a bright red apple.
This was more food than she ate at any meal. In fact, this was an
entire day’s worth of food. It was a good thing the sandwich was
cut in half, because she would save the other half for dinner. That
and half the cookie and orzo salad. She wouldn’t have room for the
apple so she could eat that for breakfast the next morning.
    Twenty minutes later, her afternoon patient
rolled in and she was off to a busy rest of the day. She felt so
much more alert, though, after that delicious lunch. By day’s end,
she was ready to get home and change. She had to be at the hospital
for her moonlighting shift at the clinic, though she had a little
free time for herself before then.
    As she gathered her things, she grabbed the
leftover lunch on her way out. En route to the subway, the skies
opened up.
    “ Dr. M.! Over
    It was Sam calling to her from the curb. He
sat in the car.
    “ Come, I’ll take you
    She hated to take advantage of him, but it
was pouring and she’d be a drowned critter by the time she made it
to her place. She nodded and darted to the car.
    “ I’m so sorry, Sam. I’m
making a mess in your car.”
    “ Don’t worry about a
thing, Dr. M. I’ll get it all taken care of after I drop you off.
Mr. H. would be upset if he knew you were out in the rain as it
    “ Why would that bother him
so much?”
    Sam didn’t answer and his eyes were
plastered on the road straight ahead. After a couple of
uncomfortably silent minutes, Sam eventually said, “Dr. M., I’m not
really at liberty to discuss Mr. H. with you. I’m sorry,
    “ That’s fine. I
understand. But may I ask why he has you watching out for
    “ I don’t have the answer
to that, ma’am.”
    “ How much does he know
about me?”
    “ He knows that you work a
lot of hours volunteering, besides your regular job.”
    “ Hmm.” Gabby was curious
as to how he knew that. Kolson was a mystery to her, but clearly he
knew more about her than she knew about him.
    “ I can tell you this,
though, Dr. M. He’s looking out for your safety so you don’t need
to fear him.”
    That’s what Sam thought. After this morning,
Gabby had tons to fear where Kolson was concerned. He did things to
her … made her feel things she’d never felt before and she was
definitely not ready for any of that.
    # # #
    Danny seethed as he stood under an awning in
the pouring rain and watched Gabby get into the waiting car. HTS.
Hart Transportation Services. He recognized that company. So that’s
who Gabby’s new little boyfriend was. It didn’t matter. Nothing was
going to get in the way of his plans. He was going to have Gabby
one way or another, even if it meant waiting patiently.
    He would strike when the time was right,
when their guard was down. And it would all be worth it in the end.
He smiled to himself and imagined how Gabby would feel as he shoved
his dick inside of her again. His cock instantly stiffened at the
thought. There was one thing that he loved, and that was hearing
Gabby begging for him to stop. His breath came faster as he thought
about the fear he would see in her eyes. It wouldn’t be long now,
and he would be hearing those sweet words coming out of her

Chapter Eight
    When Gabby walked in the door, she kicked off her

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