The Girl With No Past

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Book: The Girl With No Past by Kathryn Croft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Croft
progressed between them over the weekend. But I don’t feel envious, at least not in a substantial way, because Imogen and Corey are my closest friends. Besides, there is hope on the horizon in the form of Adam Bowden. I repeat his name in my head and it sounds good, as if it fits me somehow. And he smiled at me, didn’t he? Or did I imagine it? I can’t be sure now, but after consideration I tell myself he definitely did.
    I wish Imogen and I were alone now so I can share my thoughts with her. There is no way I can say anything in front of Corey; other things, yes, but not stuff about boys. Particularly one he sat next to in history. But I decide I will call her later. This is too important not to share at the earliest opportunity.
    The three of us are so engrossed in our conversation that by the time I look at my watch, there are only four minutes left before the bell is due to ring. I have English next and there is no way I can be late so, jumping up, I shout something about catching them later and rush off, every second swearing I can hear the bell. Today we are due to finish Of Mice and Men . It’s my favourite book so far, but I suspect things will not end well for George and Lennie. I think how amazing it is that one writer can control the destiny of all their characters, as if they are God. Perhaps I will write a novel one day, and enjoy the unfolding of lives from my mind.
    Being so engrossed in this idea, I collide into someone outside the English block with a heavy thwack. Stunned, I quickly look up to apologise to whomever I’ve smacked into. But when I see who it is, the words drop from my mouth.
    Adam Bowden.
    My insides burn as I struggle to say sorry, but then it is too late because he is saying it for me. Was it his fault? I am sure I was the one who barged into him, but there he is, apologising profusely and asking if I am okay.
    ‘I’m fine,’ I manage to say. ‘Thanks. Sorry.’ He pats my shoulder and even when he removes his hand I can still feel the weight of it.
    ‘You were in my form group this morning, weren’t you?’
    I nod. ‘Yeah, sorry about what happened. Miss Hollis is a right fruitcake.’
    Adam smiles. ‘Yeah, I’ve heard she never talks above a whisper so don’t know what the hell happened this morning. She must hate me.’ He shrugs his shoulders as he says this, obviously not caring one way or the other. ‘So what’s this one like?’
    ‘Mrs Owen? Oh, she’s nice. Strict but nice.’
    Adam nods, but there is no way to tell what he is thinking. I wonder what impression he has of me. Isn’t it a good sign that he is here talking to me now, when the bell is about to go and the rest of the class are already lined up inside? But then again, that doesn’t necessarily mean much. Adam doesn’t seem one for sticking religiously to school rules.
    ‘We’d better get in,’ I say, just as the bell pierces the air and there is a flurry of activity from latecomers.
    ‘If you say so,’ he says. But when I look up at him, not sure how to take his comment, he is smiling. I can’t explain what I feel at that moment, I only know I have been waiting to feel it for a long time.

    Four days passed and there was no reply to my email. I didn’t know whether I was relieved or disappointed, but tried to tell myself my lack of fear had worked. That I had confused the emailer so much that he or she had decided to back off. Perhaps my computer hadn’t been hacked after all. I had taken the words to be about Julian, but it was possible this person knew I was single and assumed I wanted someone in my life.
    I shrugged off the thought that this was too easy, that whoever it was had an agenda and wasn’t likely to give up on it just because I’d responded in an unexpected way. But still, four days was long enough for me to convince myself it might be over.
    On the other hand, I hadn’t heard from Julian either, and this puzzled me. He had been the one to send me the last message, and

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