Unbreakable Hearts
hadn’t OD’d on him, and when he’d feel a shaky breath against his palm each time, he knew his skip was still alive and kicking, thank God. Just what he’d need was for some damned rapist junkie to up and die on him in his truck.
    He pulled his cell phone out and dialed Hank. “Got him. Heading back now. ETA two hours.”
    “Good job, son. He give you any problem?”
    “Other than what I told you about the other night, no.”
    “He at his girl’s place of employment?”
    Oz thought about Chloe and the gig she performed nightly and shuddered. “No, grabbed him at a dollar store.”
    “Nice. You find him on the fifty-cent rack?” Hank chuckled.
    “Ha. Ha. No. Fucker was shooting up in the bathroom. I haven’t frisked him, afraid of getting stuck, so you might issue a 10-50 and let them know he might have drugs on his person.”
    “Got it. I’ll call Joe and ask him to let the Staties know.”
    “Thanks.” The y talked a bit longer before hanging up. He checked on Rico again who hadn’t moved a muscle but was still amongst the living, then he called Chris Quaid who also worked at CEP.
    “Yo,” Quaid answered.
    “We still on for tomorrow?” Oz asked.
    “Yep. Boone’s mom’s got everything planned out. She’s an amazing cook too. All you gotta do is bring the beer and we’re good.”
    This would be the first year Oz wouldn’t be having Thanksgiving dinner at home. His father had informed him a few weeks before that he didn’t feel like celebrating, so he’d told his son to find somewhere else to go. Oz knew the guys usually did something together, so he’d planned to hang wit h them. He’d check on his dad later that evening.
    “Why do I have to bring the beer?”
    Quaid laughed. “Because you’re the ugliest.”
    “ Fuck you.”
    “Would, but you’re too ugly.” Quaid really laughed now.
    “ Funny,” Oz replied.
    “Besides, guys with squirrels taking up residence on their chins don’t quite do it for me,” Quaid returned, making fun of Oz’s goatee.
    Just had to love the guys at CEP. Fuckers.
    “Jesus. You should bring the beer ‘cause you’re a dumbass,” Oz said.
    “We did lack of intelligence last year. Boone won. This year is lack of looks. And you’re the champ.” Quaid chuckled.
    “Good thing I know I look good or you’d be giving me a complex right now.” He ran a hand over his goatee wondering if maybe it was time to shave the shit off.
    “ Yeah, whatever. So where are you?” Quaid asked.
    “Jersey turnpike. Bringing Hernandez in,” Oz answered.
    “Damn. Read in the paper that the girl probably won’t be able to have children. That’s fucked up.”
    “It is. Got him right here. If I thought the police would take him, I’d do a little rearranging of his face, but they tend to frown on that.”
    “Too bad. Wish you could bring him in and we’d use him for a punching bag. Works for me.” Oz could hear the anger in Quaid’s voice. Dude seriously loved women and was very protective of them, well, when he wasn’t in dom mode or whatever the hell it was called. “Hey, you bringing that Lauren chick with you tomorrow?”
    “Doubt it . I haven’t had a chance to talk to her in over a month. Been a little busy lately. You bringing Diane?”
    “Nah. She’s a little too pristine for my taste.”
    “Shit, Tasha Reign’s a lit tle too pristine for your taste.” Oz chuckled. He wasn’t quite sure all that Quaid was into. He knew about the dom thing along with a variety of other stuff he’d heard him allude to over the years, things like his love for women who were subs and shit like bondage. He also knew he had an affinity for threesomes, but Oz didn’t really feel like finding out all the deets of Quaid’s sex life. Not now… or ever.
    “Not true. I’d take Tasha on in a goddamned heartbeat. She’s one hot porn star.”
    “You and me both, ” Oz agreed.
    “Hell no. I like threesomes but the other two have to be chicks.”
    “Bro, if it were

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