across his forehead, shaking his head in a kind of I’m not going to discuss that look that Gina knew so well. She backed off.
“But the point that Max was making, sir,” Allison said, “is a good one. We have to fight back. Perhaps if you and the First Lady could go on television--”
“No,” Dutch said.
“I know that’s right,” LaLa said and everybody looked at her. “Listen, I know what you’re saying, Ally. I know the natural thing to do is to fight back. But this is their child we’re talking about. This is their baby. And all of these vicious rumors. I mean, I wouldn’t put my child in this either. No way. They believe what they want, but I wouldn’t do it.”
“Thank-you, Loretta,” Dutch said, “because I couldn’t agree with you more.” The Residence phone rang. Christian moved to answer it. “I consider this controversy over, as far as my administration is concerned. We will get back to the people’s business and we will, as that commentator just said on the news, stop feeding this beast. No more comments about it, no more photos will be released, or videos or anything else. And if they don’t like it, tough.”
“Excuse me, sir,” Christian said, his hand over the phone. “Mr. Roman Wilkes is downstairs. He would like to see you or the First Lady.”
Gina’s heart began to pound. The idea that a good man like Roman Wilkes could be caught up in this craziness was one of the worst things about this entire ordeal.
“Go and get him, Chris,” Gina said without conferring with Dutch.
“Wait a minute,” Allison intervened as Christian hung up the phone. She looked at the president. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir. He’s the man they’re claiming to be the father of your son. That’s why Max felt no contact should take place ever again. At least not until this thing blows over. Public opinion is already running negatively against you as it is. This meeting with Roman Wilkes will only make it worst.”
“I hate to say it, G,” LaLa said, “but I agree with Allison. What if the press gets wind of this visit? Y’all wouldn’t hear the end of it.”
Gina understood their concerns, but that still didn’t make it right. She looked at Dutch. He was tired, she could see the strain all over his handsome face, and it would be easier for him to not allow Roman anywhere near them.
But she knew her husband, and she knew he was never the kind of man to take the easy way out.
“My wife,” he said to both Allison and LaLa, “will not sacrifice her friendship, with a very good man by the way, on the altar of public opinion. To hell with public opinion. Go and get him, Christian,” Dutch ordered and Christian, smiling, went to get him.
Gina leaned closer against his big, strong body. Sometimes she could hardly believe how blessed she was to have a man like him.
By the time Roman dispersions Wilkes entered the Residence, the air in the room had gone from a kind of unsure hesitancy to outright tension. But Roman was accustomed to being the center of other people’s derisions. His job, as the criminal defense attorney to the stars, most of whom were generally guilty as sin, often landed him at odds with the public. His only concern, at this point, was Gina. She didn’t deserve to be treated this way.
“Good evening all,” Roman said as he entered, his bright white smile against his dark skin as alluring as it had been a decade ago when Gina first fell in love with him. Their love affair was brief, Roman wasn’t the settling down/one woman type, but their friendship had been enduring.
Dutch and Gina stood up as Roman approached, his hand extended. Dutch liked Roman because he cared about Gina and looked out for her best interest. Roman liked Dutch because he loved Gina and Gina, to his ever loving disappointment, was devoted to