Love's Awakening (The Ballantyne Legacy Book #2): A Novel
talk about enrolling her in a day school.”
    “Chloe’s schooling? That’s something I know little about.” Henry rose abruptly. “I have a shareholders’ meeting tonight at the Alexanders’.”
    His exit was prolonged, slowed by the rheumatism that plagued him, reminding Jack of the fifteen-year difference in his parents’ ages. Isabel looked after him, her irritation fading to melancholy. “Another meeting. This happens virtually every eve. I know these outings are nothing but a pretense for the valley men to gamble and make fools of themselves. Or worse.”
    Or worse. Henry’s infidelities were no secret. They seemed to grow more brazen over time. He’d even begun appearing in public with his latest paramour.
    Jack fixed his gaze on the candle flame and said quietly, “We need to talk about Chloe . . . why you want her to go to New Hope.”
    She stiffened visibly, jet earrings trembling. “At the moment your sister is the farthest thing from my mind.”
    As usual , Jack didn’t say. He leaned forward, couching his words carefully. “I propose a different plan. For the summer, anyway. Let Chloe come live at River Hill.”
    “River Hill? Why? I’d rather take advantage of the Ballantyne girl’s services and have her tutor Chloe here.” She met Jack’s eyes with her usual resistance, and he detected a slur in the word girl .
    “Since the French governess you hired didn’t last a fortnight,” he said, “I doubt any other arrangement would be much different.”
    “That was more your brother’s doing than Chloe’s,” she countered, confirming Jack’s suspicions of Wade’s unwanted attentions. “As for the Ballantyne girl, surely four years at the finest female academy in Pennsylvania amounts to something.”
    “This has more to do with Chloe’s unwillingness than Elinor Ballantyne’s capabilities,” Jack told her. “Personally, I think such a pairing would be a disaster.”
    “And so you want your sister underfoot at River Hill?” Her tone assured him she expected another defeat there as well. “You know I’ve had little time for a daughter. She was born so late—an afterthought.” Jack tensed, ready to correct her if she used the word mistake as she sometimes did. “And then when I tried to make something of her, I realized I was trying to make a sow’s ear into a silk purse. We can lay the blame at your father’s door. If she’s willful and unladylike, it’s because he treated her like a third son and never corrected her—”
    “I’ll keep her with me.” Jack’s calm overrode her complaining. “She can visit Broad Oak as often as she likes. Or you can come to River Hill.”
    “Would that I had never left it.” The words were a mere whisper, but Jack had heard them before. She looked at him, eyes still clouded with doubt. “How on earth will you keep her occupied?”
    “I’ll begin by opening the judge’s library to her. Some required reading should be in order. And since she seems to have a head for figures, I’ll introduce her to accounts—”
    “All masculine pursuits, which is why I want Elinor Ballantyne. She’s advertised needlework, French, dancing.”
    Ignoring this, Jack took a sip of coffee. “I’ll have my housekeeper take Chloe to a seamstress, see about a new wardrobe. Maybe arrange for a trip downriver.”
    “To Louisville? New Orleans?” Isabel all but rolled her eyes. “Now that sounds disastrous. I can just see her falling overboard—or worse. You’re of a sensible bent, Jack. Don’t do this.” Yet even as she uttered the words, he saw through her exasperation to the relief beneath.
    He shrugged. “And if I fail? It won’t be for lack of trying.”
    She expelled a frustrated breath. “Perhaps it will be of some benefit. With the slave unrest and the storm and whatnot, we’re all in need of a change.”
    “Perhaps you and Pa should take a trip, then. See to accounts farther south and combine business with pleasure.” Pausing, he

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