One Foot in the Grape

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Book: One Foot in the Grape by Carlene O'Neil Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carlene O'Neil
    Brice waved his phone in the air. “What kind of game is this? I’m trying to work. I only get coverage in a couple of spots here, and the patient—”
    â€œThat’s enough,” Antonia said. “Penelope must have had a reason for setting off the alarm. Now tell us, Penelope”— her eyes turned toward me—“what it is.”
    â€œBrice, call the police. Todd’s dead.”
    Brice opened his phone and moved toward me. “Where is he?”
    â€œHe’s dead.”
    â€œSince when are you a doctor?”
    â€œHe’s in the crusher. It was turned on.”
    Everyone in the room knew what a crusher could do. Brice stopped and closed his phone. “I’ll go check on him, but I don’t need to call. The fire department will bring the police and paramedics.” He walked through the rear doors.
    Hayley came up to me and pulled me close.
    I looked over her shoulder at the faces around me. The shock was evident but seemed to hit Chantal hardest. She moaned, turned pale and grabbed for the door to steady herself.
    When Brice came back a few minutes later, he silently shook his head, and Chantal’s sobs filled the room.
    It felt good to have Hayley’s arm around me. I only had a few moments before the police arrived. All I had was the knowledge that one of them had returned to the house. One of them knew something. I took a deep breath and put the image I’d seen from my mind. “Did any of you go outside within the last hour?”
    â€œI was in the library,” Antonia said. “With Connor. The rest of you answer her immediately.”
    As the silence resumed, Antonia struck her cane against the cement floor. “Answer her!”
    â€œI was in the breakfast room,” Chantal sobbed, tearstains dark on her red shirt.
    â€œDid anyone see you in there?” The breakfast room had glass doors that led onto the patio, just a short walk from the path.
    â€œI saw her.” Trust Stephen to be able to account for his sister’s whereabouts. “Just as Veronica and I went upstairs. The rest of the time, Veronica and I were both in the west wing.”
    â€œI saw Chantal too,” Marvin spoke up. “I also saw Veronica in the kitchen.” He rubbed his hand across raspy chin whiskers.
    Veronica pulled her robe belt tighter. “I came back down to make tea while Stephen was in the shower,” she whispered.
    â€œThat’s true,” Marvin said. “She did. I can see most of the main floor from the winery office.”
    Veronica looked at him quickly, as did several others. It must have been strange for them to realize Marvin was able to observe them at will.
    â€œâ€™Course, if we have to answer, then you do too,” Marvin said.
    I looked at him. “You know where I was. I’m the one that found him.”
    â€œNot you.” He pointed to Hayley. “You.”


    â€œI WAS at our booth.”
    â€œI saw her down there.” I gave Hayley’s arm a small squeeze. “She was on the festival grounds when I found the body.”
    Marvin watched Hayley. “Before that, before you went to the booth, you and Todd were right outside the fermentation building.” He nodded his head toward the kitchen. “I was bringing back my dinner tray, and there you were, just the two of you.”
    â€œThat’s where I left him. I walked down the path and he went inside. He said he had something to take care of.”
    â€œSure. I figured that’s what you’d say.”
    â€œMarvin, I just told you I saw Hayley down the hill, next to our booth.”
    â€œYeah, after Todd was killed.”
    â€œHow would she get there so fast?”
    Antonia stamped her cane once again. “That’s enough, Marvin.” Antonia gazed around the room. “Francesca, where were you?”
    â€œThanks for the vote of confidence.” Francesca shrugged.

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