An Appetite for Murder

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Book: An Appetite for Murder by Lucy Burdette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Burdette
think to search the Yellow Pages.
    “What’s up with that?” I asked Eric once I’d hung up. “Don’t you find it odd that my mother would call my father and tell him all my problems when they’ve been divorced for years and maybe spoken five times in the interim?”
    “They obviously still have a strong connection,” he said. “More separation issues you could explore in therapy.” He flashed a double eyebrow raise for emphasis.
    I got out of the car and slammed the door. “Thanks for the lift.”
    Connie had already gone upstairs by the time I got home. But Ray’s bicycle wasn’t chained outside and the light was on in her room. Probably a good time for a heartfelt, double-­knee-­down, beg-­for-­mercy apology. I stumped up the stairs, Evinrude padding behind, and tapped on her door.
    “Connie?” I tapped again when she didn’t answer. “Can I come in for a sec?”
    I took her “mmmrf” as a yes and opened the door. She was in bed reading a book I’d loaned her—­
My Life in France
by Julia Child. I adored that book—­Julia had fallen in love with Paris and French food the way I had with Key West. And it took her a long time to find the right man too, which gave me hope.
    I sucked in a breath and smiled at Connie. “I’m so sorry about everything. I just want you to know that Iwould have cleaned that apartment so well you could have served supper to my stepmother on his floor. And that’s saying something.” I chuckled, longing for her to lose the disapproving expression and join me laughing. But she didn’t.
    “I appreciate that, but Chad already called and canceled my contract. And trust me, once the word gets out, that will be the end of any referrals from the Truman Annex.”
    I started to protest—­no one would take his word for it, and she had plenty of references from around town—­but Connie broke through.
    “You should have heard his voice, Hayley. Stone cold. I worked my butt off during this trial period with him, dusting underneath every stupid artifact and spit-­shining the tiles in all three bathrooms, and now it’s all over.” She ran her fingers through her hair, which stuck up like the stand of wheat grass I’d planted for the cat so he wouldn’t miss going outside. “Counting that income, I was just about breaking even. And now?” She shrugged her shoulders and tried to hold in her tears. “I could lose the boat and everything I’ve worked for.”
    “I’m so sorry,” I said. “With this whole breakup thing and now the murder—­I’m just not thinking right.”
    “I appreciate that. But I don’t think you understand how hard it is to make a living on this island. Up until a couple of months ago, before you came down, I was working nights tending bar and cleaning during the day. Most people can’t afford to live here unless they do the same thing.” She wiped her cheek with the sleeve of her flannel pajama top. “But I love it here, Hayley. This is myhome. I don’t want to have to start over somewhere else. My father isn’t dying to take me in either; nor would I consider that an option.” Another direct hit scored on my soft spot: I needed to grow up.
    After more apologies and a stiff hug, I lugged Evinrude back downstairs and collapsed on my bed. Hard to see how things could get much worse. I’d ruined my best college friend’s business and possibly our friendship along with it. I hadn’t been thinking about anything but what I needed. Of course I knew how much she wanted Chad’s business, and if I’d paid a little more attention, I’d have realized what my going there might cost her.
    “Hayley?” Connie’s voice floated down the stairs from her room, sounding worried. I bolted back up the stairs.
    “What’s wrong?
    “Ray’s friend Matthew, the one who publishes
Key Zest
? Ray happened to ask him how it was going with the food critic applications—­he says your name is no longer on the list.”
    “Not on the list? But I definitely

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