Mere Temptation

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Book: Mere Temptation by Daisy Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daisy Harris
Tags: Siren Classic
door. A man and woman walked in just as Sidon pulled himself into a corner and willed his skin to become the same color as the walls behind him.
    Shifting color was almost effortless in his dragon body, but required a huge amount of concentration and energy in human form. In fact, he didn’t know any other dragons that could do it. That, and his unusual half-dragon shape, had the Council breathing down his neck to leave Sirena and do “more important” things.
    “So, when will you be collecting more victims for your little concentration camp here?” the woman asked.
    The man looked exhausted, utterly defeated.
    “It’s not like that, Gracie. It’s a study. They’ll let the kids go when they’re done with them. Catch and release.”
    “And you really believe that?”
    “They’re not monsters, Gracie. They’re scientists.”
    “I don’t really see the difference.”
    The man took a deep breath. “Listen, I don’t like it either, but it’s my job. And Dendric helps people.”
    “Do you really believe that, Karon?”
    Raking his hand through his hair, the man said, “I don’t know what the hell I believe.”
    At that, the man embraced the woman, and Sidon was shocked to see her looking right at him over the man’s shoulder, then she smiled and gave Sidon a little wink.
    The girl, Gracie, started kissing the guy. Good! If she distracted him enough, Sidon could sneak by instead of waiting god-knows-how-long for the asshole to leave. He only had one shot at getting to the door, so he waited while Gracie started to undo the man’s jeans. She was pretty, Sidon thought as he reluctantly watched, seductive-looking, but nowhere as perfect and cute as Isa. On her knees now, she gave Sidon an extra-long stare as she wrapped her lips around the man’s cock.
    Blood surged to Sidon’s groin, and he realized that this lady may not be an enemy, but she wasn’t exactly a friend either. She was trouble.
    He started to ease out of his hiding spot, but suddenly the man took charge and laid the woman on the desk. Thankfully, the captain’s back was angled toward where Sidon stood. The dragon cursed, realizing that the guy was now facing the door. Even if he could color-shift all the way to the exit, the man would see the sliding door open.
    Next thing Sidon knew Gracie’s skirt was up, her panties were off, and the guy’s jeans were around his knees. Sidon closed his eyes, wishing he was somewhere, anywhere, else. Then he heard the woman’s soft “Ah!” at penetration, and his already painful erection started to pulse. And even though he tried not to watch, the rhythmic gasps of their coupling burned his ears, and he found himself pressing his hand hard along the bulge in his shorts. He couldn’t help but imagine it was him standing at that weathered desk, and that it was Isa’s dimpled knees on either side of him.
    Sidon said a little inward prayer that he wouldn’t have to watch this through to the end, and a moment later it was answered when Gracie said, “I want to ride you.”
    Lifting the still-mounted woman smoothly from the desk, the guy sat back on the chair behind him. Gracie began rising and falling on his lap, giving Sidon a Cheshire-cat grin. Then her face went slack with pleasure as her partner used his hands to work her hips harder against his. Sidon eased forward, and when the man’s face was busy against Gracie’s chest, Sidon soundlessly crossed the room. Then Gracie started shouting, a little too loudly to be believable, “Yes, Karon! Yes! Fuck me! Oh, fuck me deeper!” and Sidon slipped through the door.

    * * * *

    Isa paced the house all night, pausing only to toss and turn in the empty bed for a couple of hours. She knew Sidon wouldn’t be back until morning, but the worry built with every passing hour. She lingered through coffee, but didn’t bother trying to eat. By noon, her nerves were stretched so taut that when she heard a loud rapping at the door, she jumped several feet.

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