Faster We Burn

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Book: Faster We Burn by Chelsea M. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
Allan a look.
    “Nice to meet you, too.”
    “Bye, Pinky!” Allan yelled from partway down the stairs.
    “Next week it’s your turn to host, Allan!” Stryker called as he helped everyone get their instruments back into their cases. I got good-byes and smiles and invitations to come back again. Ric looked like her teeth hurt when she said she wanted to see me again. I just gave her a sweet smile and shut the door behind her.
    “You can sing?” Stryker said, and I jumped because he was right behind me. I turned to face him.
    “I wouldn’t really call it that. It’s just something I do in the car. And the shower. And sometimes when I’m alone.” He held my face in both hands and did that deep eye stare thing that made me want to slam my body up against him and kiss him until we couldn’t breathe.
    “Sweetheart. You. Can. Sing.” We slammed against the door as he attacked me with his mouth.

    Chapter Seven
    Not that her talking voice wasn’t sexy, but when she opened her mouth and vocalized those awful lyrics, I almost fell off the couch. Somehow she’d been hiding the sexiest, sweetest, lilting singing voice. Most girls would spend hours trying to get their voice to yodel at the end like that. She probably wasn’t even aware that she was doing it, which made me want her all the more.
    I wanted to fuck her singing voice, but I settled for kissing her instead, plunging my tongue inside her mouth.
    Her back crashed against my door as we frantically tried to get our clothes off. I didn’t mind doing it with clothes on, but I liked seeing her body and tasting her skin if she let me.
    “Slow down,” I said as she went for my belt. “Slow down, sweetheart.”
    “You attacked me first,” she gasped as I kissed her neck, pulling her cardigan aside.
    “True,” I said, blowing on her skin until goosebumps formed. “But I changed my mind. Let’s do this slow.” I started with the cardigan, slowly unbuttoning it as her hands moved under my shirt and up and down my back.
    “No angry revenge sex?” I could tell she was having a hard time standing still.
    I got to the last button and pulled the fabric off one shoulder, kissing the skin it revealed. “No. Just you and me sex.”
    She smiled and laughed as I used the hem of her t-shirt to drag her back to the couch. I pushed aside cups and bottles and lay her down.
    “If we’re going to take this slow, I think we need some music. Be right back.” I went to my stereo and plugged in my iPod, switching to a playlist I’d made before I met her. Ed Sheeran’s “Give Me Love” was the first song.
    I glanced at her and walked back to the couch with the slow beat of the music. I kissed her mouth softly, brushing back her hair with both hands. She kissed me easily and it gave me some time to tease her, to try some things and learn if she liked them based on her response. It was like it was our first time.
    Our clothes came off, layer by layer, piece by piece. She kissed my tattoos, and I kissed her freckles. I made my way down her stomach and paused with my face between her thighs.
    “You don’t have to. Zack always said no.”
    “I’m. Not. Zack,” I said planting a kiss with every word on the inside of her left thigh. “So I’m going to kiss you here. And here. And here.”
    “Fuuuuccckkk,” she moaned, grabbing onto my ears.
    “Easy, girl.” I backed off a little and started slower. Clearly, she hadn’t had a lot of oral experience, which was a damn shame. It didn’t take too much to get her off, so I decided to go for round two, and then round three. I added my fingers and absolutely wrecked her until her entire body convulsed and she cried out. I wished she could see what she looked like, lost in ecstasy.
    I kissed my way back up her body and reached for the condom I’d stuffed behind the couch cushion before she’d come over.
    “You really didn’t have to do that, but I’m so glad you did. I owe you at least two

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