Nailed to the Wall: Powertools, Book 5

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Book: Nailed to the Wall: Powertools, Book 5 by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
underwear is yellow.” Neil traced the skin beside the cheery straps.
    “With red hearts.” James nipped at one cartoony symbol gracing the curve of her hip.
    “What better to hug my lady parts all day than something that reminds me of you two?” Her whisper carried in the hush of the calm before the storm.
    “ Nothing would be pretty damn fine. Imagining you naked beneath those funky, patched overalls you wear sometimes gives me massive wood.” Neil grimaced when several of them paused to consider that mental image. Dave cursed under his breath.
    She laughed out loud. Too bad she hadn’t known that before their Valentine’s Day photo session. Although she doubted there’d be any complaints when he discovered the Victorian getup she’d stashed in the back of their closet. It had made her waist look tiny.
    “What?” Neil shrugged. “I have to have something extra special to daydream about when I’m stuck worming around in dark, dingy crawlspaces to examine foundations, or evaluate attics, or check for mold, or whatever other duties these guys claim the skinniest of us should be on the hook for. If I thought about rats or spiders or asbestos monsters lurking in those tight spots, I’d flip out.”
    Devon laid her hand on his forearm. “I’ll take inspection duty next time. You shouldn’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable. I’m the littlest. Not afraid of bugs either. And claustrophobia has never been an issue. I kind of like being crowded.”
    As if by tacit understanding, each crew member took a step closer. Their heat and hunger blasted her from all sides as they encroached on her personal space. She closed her eyes and leaned toward Neil, trusting him to catch her.
    Of course, he did. They guided her to the improvised bed they’d constructed. She yelped at the initial contact of the cool leather on her skin. Ten hands petted and soothed her until they abolished any hint of chill.
    “Scoot over, Dev.” James whipped his clothes off, then nudged her hip with his knee. She made room for him to join her. “I’m in the mood to share the bottom with you today.”
    “Or do you mean share your bottom?” She nipped his lip when he slipped his arm beneath her neck, supporting her.
    “Either works for me.” He pressed a delicate peck on the tip of her nose. “But I wouldn’t dare steal your fun.”
    “There’s plenty to go around.” She switched her gaze from man to man to man to man, ringing them.
    When she licked her lips, they shed chambray, denim and leather as if it were a race. Maybe it was. Dave finished first. Though Devon expected him to reach for James, or maybe the industrial-sized bottle of lube they kept in their tool chest, he didn’t. Instead, he straddled the head of the coffee table, planting one foot on either side of her and James. He squatted until his thick cock hung between their faces.
    “Ladies first.” James rolled onto his side, and she mirrored him.
    Devon reached upward to fondle the heavy sac swaying gently in the aftermath of Dave’s gymnastics. It still felt new and somewhat taboo to be touching Kayla’s husband. A thrill zinged through her, accompanied by a shiver that vibrated along her spine. The tremble had her hand retracting, severing her contact with Dave’s electrified skin.
    Did this adhere to their slumber party agreement? Or was she crossing the boundaries by indulging without her girlfriends?
    She tried to work out the intricacies in her lust-hazed mind without much success. All she could say for sure was that her visceral response to the situation instilled a craving, the intensity of which she’d never known before. Or at least not since the first time she’d had James and Neil together.
    “Trust your instincts.” James came to her rescue. “He likes it like this.”
    He demonstrated a firmer grip than Dev would have been comfortable imparting on her own.
    “Go ahead.” Dave barked instructions. “Do me like he’s showing you. It feels

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