The Falcon and the Flower

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Book: The Falcon and the Flower by Virginia Henley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Henley
    William’s first reaction was outrage, and yet it was tempered by the respect he felt for the man before him. De Burgh had wasted no time in coming to him and bluntly laying out the situation before him. His motive was obviously not greed; therefore his genuine affections must be involved. And, William grudgingly admitted to himself, it was almost always the female of the species who did the choosing. If Jasmine had stayed safely in the women’s quarters, she could never have allowed herself to be compromised. The surprising element in all this was that Isobel or Ela hadn’t gone to de Burgh nights ago. William sighed, letting his breath out in a rush of relief as he told Falcon truthfully, “It is not my decision to make. I gave Jasmine to Dame Winwood, her maternal grandmother, who saved her life and has had the responsibility of her.” He pressed his lips and admitted grudgingly, “If it were my choice alone, I’d be tempted to give you the girl. I want a blood tie with you and if Jasmine is the price, then I’d pay it. But be warned, de Burgh, the dame will prove a worthy adversary even for one as strong as you. Never underestimate her power.”
    Falcon’s brow cleared. “Then I have your blessing if her grandmother agrees to the marriage?”
    William shook his head and chuckled. “Lad, ye make it sound like a fait accompli. Dame Winwood is impossible, implacable, immovable, impregnable; she’s also a witch.”
    Falcon de Burgh licked his lips. He loved a challenge; besides, no woman had ever said nay to him in his life.
    William laid his calloused hand on de Burgh’s shoulder. “Whatever the outcome, will you look after things here for me? My ship is being readied in Southampton; Ileave tomorrow for the coast. Once word is out that England has no king, lawlessness will reign here.”
    “I will keep Salisbury safe for you and yours, my friend. I agree with you that the barons think might is right and Richard’s death will leave them free to rape the land.”
    Falcon de Burgh wasted no time seeking out Dame Estelle Winwood. He had decided to finalize matters before the Earl of Salisbury departed for France. However, he had reckoned without Estelle’s habits and whims. She could not give him audience until after her ablutions, then of course it was time for her devotions. In quick succession followed her tending the sick, concocting her herbal medicines, and taking her exercise. The third time de Burgh went to her quarters to seek speech with her he was informed she was taking a bath. He took a threatening step toward the servant who dared deny him repeatedly and said firmly, “Then I shall see her while she bathes.” The woman could see that the knight was easily capable of such outrage and fled the room.
    Within five minutes the resolute figure of Dame Winwood confronted him, erect and unbending as a ramrod. “You have bullied my servant, but you cannot bully me, sir,” she challenged.
    “Dame Winwood, I am not here to bully you, my lady; rather I would beg you grant me my heart’s desire,” he began in what was for him an exceeding flowery speech.
    “Ah, you need a magic potion for impotence,” she stated with studied contempt.
    For one brief moment Falcon saw blood-red fury, then he realized the wily old bitch was very deliberately goading him. So, he thought, what I am after comes as no surprise to her. She has sniffed what is in the wind. Without further preliminaries he stated his purpose. “I wish to marry the Lady Jasmine.”
    She laughed in his face. “As well ask of me the moon and stars. The answer is no; it is impossible.”
    “Nothing in this world is impossible, madame, to one as resolute as I.”
    Estelle changed her manner and spoke frankly as if taking him into her confidence. “Jasmine is too fragile to be wife to any man, let alone one as obviously virile as you. Frankly, sir knight, you would be too venal, too lusty, too demanding in bed for one so

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