about an hour and then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    She bit her lip and nodded as she leaned against the bed.
    “I have a family thing to go to, otherwise I’d stay.”
    “It’s totally fine, Brock. Seriously. You can’t work your job twenty-four, seven without a break. It’s unhealthy.”
    He crossed his arms and smiled. “What’s wrong?”
    He closed the distance and stroked her cheek. “We’re not playing the nothing game, baby. That doesn’t fly with me.”
    “It’s stupid.”
    “What’s stupid?”
    She smiled, although it looked forced. “Just going to miss you.”
    “Same, baby.” He raised an eyebrow. “Why is that stupid?”
    “Because I’m supposed to play it cool and not feel like I’m losing my best friend when he’s only leaving me for one night.”
    Brock chuckled. “That’s not stupid.”
    She wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, it kind of is.”
    He leaned down and kissed her. “Well, then I’m kind of stupid too.”
    Bailey snorted, dropping her head. “You don’t need to say that.”
    “Hey.” He lifted her chin. “Are you worried about being here with Dallas?”
    “No. I like Dallas.” She smiled, this time genuinely. “And Jaxon.”
    “As soon as it’s safe, we’ll go out.”
    “I promised you a real date, remember?”
    “You also promised me a ring…and sex.”
    He chuckled. “That I did.”
    “Can I call you just to talk to you?”
    He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket. “Burner number two. I also have a burner. Just for us to talk and text.”
    Now she grinned and let out a long breath. “Thank you.”
    “Love you, babe.”
    “Love you too.”
    She pushed away from the bed and wrapped her arms around his waist. Brock stroked her hair and then lifted her chin. “You sure you’re okay?”
    “Yes. Go. I’m good.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m just going to have no one to entertain me.”
    “Make Dal watch the Notebook or something with you.”
    “First, I’m not going to cry and blubber all over Dallas, that I plan to save for you.”
    Brock chuckled. “Thanks…I think.”
    “Second, does he even have the Notebook ?”
    “You might be surprised.”
    “Go. We’ll watch some shoot ’em up movie or something.” She turned him toward the door and pushed him gently into the hallway.
    “What happened to the Notebook ?”
    “I told you, I’m saving that for you .”
    Before they reached the mouth of the hallway, Brock turned so he could kiss her without prying eyes. “Love you.”
    She smiled. “Love you too.”
    Brock gave Dallas a nod and then headed out the door.
    * * *
    Brock’s parents lived in a quiet neighborhood in Felida a suburb in Vancouver, Washington. It was the gathering place for most family events, and tonight was his niece’s tenth birthday. He parked the car on the street and headed inside, immediately accosted by the youngest niece, Molly, who was three. “Unca Bwock, Unca Bwock!” she squealed.
    Molly belonged to his middle sister, Anna, who was married to William Walker. The couple also had a son, Billy, who was six.
    “Hey there, beautiful. How’s my favorite Molly?” He lifted her into his arms for a kiss and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her dark hair had been pulled up into pigtails on the sides of her head, but they appeared to be coming loose.
    “Good. Auntie’s making Ewizabeth’s cake.”
    “Is it chocolate?” he asked.
    “It’s chocolate,” she squealed. Molly squealed everything.
    Brock chuckled and set her on the floor. “I’m going to say hi to your mom, okay?”
    Molly nodded and ran off to play.
    He walked into the kitchen to find Anna elbows deep in sink water, his eldest sister, Kristen frosting Elizabeth’s cake, and his mother sliding food into the oven.
    His baby sister, Payton, stood staring into the refrigerator, but when she caught sight of him, she clapped her hands and made a run for him. “Brocky.”
    He laughed and caught her as she flew into

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