A World Apart
free of his bonds, he was sure he would be tied up from his feet to his head.  He had to move quickly.  He decided to wait for the guards to pass behind him on their next round and then make his escape.
    Jake really wanted his phone, the tie to his old life, but, with Matus having possession of it, he knew that was impossible.  The wait for the guards seemed to be a lifetime.  As he waited, fears and doubts gnawed at him.  He was terrified of what would happen if he got caught, but knew he had to get away.  A few more fear-soaked minutes ticked by before he heard the guards pass behind him.  He gave them another minute or so to move on. 
    Jake took a deep breath, praying this would work, and did the hardest thing he had ever done: he slowly stood up.  Eyes sweeping over the camp, seeking any signs of movement, sure that he would be found out, he stood there frozen.  The men did not move.  Cautiously, Jake took a step away from the tree, moving slowly to avoid making noise.  Again, no one stirred.
    Fighting the overwhelming urge to start running, Jake deliberately and quietly walked away from the camp.  Sweat rolled down his face, stinging his cuts.  He passed through the area he believed the guards to be patrolling and continued on, trying to keep his breathing quiet as he strained to hear any sign of pursuit.  After traveling another hundred yards or so, he saw a small path in the pale moonlight, leading off into the forest.  Seeing this, relief and panic overtook him and he sprinted away.

    About an hour after Jake's escape, Matus was still dreaming about the rewards that their Master would bestow on him when they brought him the boy.  He dreamed that he would be allowed to take that lickspittle Surt's head after introducing him to a whole new world of pain.  He was suffused in the pleasure of the dream when voices shouting shattered his visions.
    He came instantly awake, rolling to his feet, hand on sword.  Everyone in the camp was up, wary, and there was a group of four standing at the tree where he left the boy.  He immediately thought that Surt had come after the boy.  With that thought burning in his head, he started that way with murderous intent.  He glanced over and saw Surt still in his blankets near the firepit, battered and bandaged; yet, he appeared to be as surprised by the commotion as Matus.
    Matus came up to the group by the tree, pushed his way through, looking for the boy, but all he saw was the boy's bonds next to the tree, cut.  He quickly knelt and found the jagged rock.  "So, the boy had some courage in him after all."  He thought.  He had not believed it or he would have made sure the boy was secured to the tree.  He felt the rest of the men watching him, judging, maybe even questioning his leadership.
    Standing abruptly, he spun and pointed to the two men he had left on guard.  "How did the boy slip past you?"  He asked, voice cold and dangerous.  He approached the men, stopping directly in front of them.  "Were you lax in your duties?  You know what I will do if I find out that you were."
    "Matus, we did as you commanded."  One of the men said.  "We were patrolling outside of camp, watching for attackers, not someone sneaking out.  If you had..."  He cut off as Matus smashed his fist into his head, the man going down in a heap, groaning.
    Matus looked at the other one.  "Do you have something to say?"  He asked quietly.
    "No, Matus."  The man replied quickly.
    "Good.  Pick that fool up and get ready to leave."  Matus turned to the other men.  "We depart in three minutes.  Anyone not ready to move by then will be left here for the scavengers!"  The men hurriedly gathered their supplies and were ready to march before Matus' time or patience ended.
    "We will track and recapture the boy.  He is to be taken alive."  Matus said.  He fixed Surt with a cold stare.  "If anyone other than me harms the boy further, they will answer for it in

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