Lord of the Grrr's

Free Lord of the Grrr's by Lily Marie, Terra Wolf, Artemis Wolffe, Amelia Jade, Mercy May, Lily Thorn, Kit Tunstall, Emma Alisyn, Claire Ryann, Andie Devaux Page A

Book: Lord of the Grrr's by Lily Marie, Terra Wolf, Artemis Wolffe, Amelia Jade, Mercy May, Lily Thorn, Kit Tunstall, Emma Alisyn, Claire Ryann, Andie Devaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Marie, Terra Wolf, Artemis Wolffe, Amelia Jade, Mercy May, Lily Thorn, Kit Tunstall, Emma Alisyn, Claire Ryann, Andie Devaux
bedroom and a small room, before then turning that into a marvellous upgraded bathroom directly attached to her bedroom. It was heavenly, she said to herself as warm water began to pour over her naked body, washing away any remaining tiredness.
    After a painful sit-down breakfast with her father, that resulted in half a dozen words being exchanged, with most of them being 'thanks for breakfast', she made good her escape.
    "I have to go into work early today, lots of paperwork to get done before the weekend. I'll be home late again, around the same time."
    She tossed him her spare set of keys and headed for the door without waiting for a reply.
    "Stay safe. I'll be coming by later for some grub and a beer if that's okay?"
    Kailee eyed him suspiciously, for he never asked permission of her, simply doing whatever he felt he needed to. Something was wrong there, a tingling at the base of her skull warning her that not everything was as it seemed. He continued to eat his breakfast slowly, without meeting her gaze.
    There was no point in trying to get more information out of him, so she simply made a non-committal noise and left. The only thing she could do now was stay on her guard, and be wary of when he came inside. If she could identify what he was up to before he did it, then there was a fair chance of stopping it if need be.
    Kailee had hoped for things to calm down when she moved out to Bear Bluff's, but it would appear that drama was destined to follow her. Although she wasn't scheduled to start work for hours yet, she felt drawn to the bar that morning. So she drove over to it, thinking that perhaps she could get a few extra hours doing more paperwork for Jet. Despite her efforts so far, there was still far more waiting for them.
    "Today just isn't my day, is it?" she voiced aloud as the door refused to open, telling her that Jet wasn't home. He always kept the back door unlocked if he was inside. With it locked, he must still be at home. He was probably still sleeping she thought to herself, wishing that she could be in her own bed too.
    With a sigh, she walked back to her truck. The forest out back of the Quencher was so beautiful and inviting. A smile upon her face, she looked around to see if anyone else had happened upon her. There was nothing, no sound of approaching cars either. Tossing her purse into the truck she locked it behind her, pocketing the keys.
    She broke out into a run across the cleared area right out back, before pushing past the first trees and into the woods. Pausing, she mentally nudged her bear awake, communicating her interests to it. With a snuffle of delight her bear awoke, surging to the surface. She didn't fight it, instead letting the change overcome her.
    It had been quite some time since she had roamed free, and her bear rejoiced in the prime location she had chosen for the afternoon. Complete in her large brown bear form, Kailee moved on into the forest, letting her bear snuffle along as it picked up the various scents, cataloguing them away in her brain. It was so peaceful, she couldn't help but let out a soft chortle of contentment.
    I need to do this more often.
    The wind shifted abruptly, picking up speed. She could smell the incoming storm already, the fresh breeze thick with the smell of ozone. It was hard to judge just when it would arrive, but it felt soon, perhaps within the hour. Not interested in being soaked before she started her shift, Kailee turned to head back.
    It was as she shuffled around that another scent raced by her on the wings of the wind. This one smelled sweeter than the freshest rose to her bear's sensitive nose, infusing her with a warm, fuzzy feeling from muzzle to her short, stubby tail. It raced through her so quickly that she didn't have the opportunity to raise any barriers or protective walls around herself. She did know, however, what it was she was smelling.
    Or who.
    It was Jet, in his bear form most likely, and very close. She tried to focus on it,

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